Friday, 28 January 2011

59. Wine is fine

Bit of an early post for the 30 day challenge, this one...

Discuss your first love and first kiss.

Hmmm... who would that / they be...
My first love, who to pick?
My first kiss, what to describe as a kiss, full on, or peck peck pecking?

Lets start with luuuurve.
Would this be my first mini-small crush (Tom Rogers), my first proper crush (Ben Burroughes), first BIG crush (Red Saunders), or first, well, LOVE?! I think I'll stick to the crushes.
I think Tom Rogers was more of just a young person (primary school, though he went to Priory not Wray Common, but he was my neighbour) interest; it probably didn't help that the first thing he EVER showed me was his nob. They had just moved in next door, and so my mum & I went round to say hello. Whilst my mum talked to Catherine, I went upstairs with Tom (I still called him Thomas - incidentally that would be the name I would have been given if I was male, and the boy the same age on the other side of my house was also called Tom!). We climbed into this sort of big cupboard in the corner of his room (which attaches to my wall on the other side of the wall) and he showed it to me. Catherine suddenly noticed that it had gone very quiet (so my mum tells me) and went "uh oh..." and ran upstairs. Apparently Tom had a habit of doing that. I was fiiiine with it though! Ah hah hah. I was 6, maybe? Possibly 7? I used to think up plans of making a door in the wall from behind my bed to inside that cupboard, so we could sneak about / I could spy.
So then there was Ben Burroughes, we sort of had a thing for a while, but... it was just silly teenage stuff. Hormones had appeared big time, and he wore black baggy hoodies, as did I. It was pretty fun sitting on top of the climbing frame near where he lived whilst wearing the afore mentioned in a different blog post red tartan mini skirt & such. I used to cycle over there with Jennie Crocker quite a lot. We hung out with others, too. Dan, Jack, Mike (thats where I met Mike Measures), Hannah, sometimes my sister Elk, Martin... a bit of a gang. I felt like a slight outsider as I went to Warwick not Reigate school... but for a while I got a fair amount of attention, it was great with that lot at Tanzee's parties. More of the short skirt treatment. OHHHH bums.
Red Saunders, essentially my 3rd boyfriend... the only one I ever felt like I had to chase & compete with other girls for. He was a flirt with others, so... I sometimes felt like it was a hopeless case, but I managed. I used to draw the back of his head in classes when I sat behind him (ok, so I did that for Harrison Hunt, too... but I'm not going to count that. That was a bit like fancying boy bands, sort of. Bit of a school legend). It took a looong looong time for me to be able to finally snatch Red, and then it was great. I found his family lovely & so friendly, and we went with them on journeys together - so nice travelling back in the dark, with street lights flashing past & his brother asleep in the seat next to him. And The Cure playing in the front, Simon Gallup (bassist of The Cure) is his uncle, you see. And his parents knew many members of The Cure rather well (since they're from Crawley, it's all close knit!). He'd buy me little presents, BIG presents, make me small drawings & cartoons, make me MASSIVE (A1 SIZED) cards... everything! I even cuddled him a bit at school! That was a first. Of course chavs all laughed and took the piss. Him & me... ohhh... what chav magnets.
People took the piss out of me for a while, for "fancying" Red, because he WAS that oddball with long hair, piercings in his ears & bellybutton, who wore clothes which were most certainly not mainstream. But then, wasn't I a total oddball too? I think they eventually saw that. Like with Matt, my flirting with Red was mostly with small notes on paper passed in class (how stereotypical), and also on MSN. Once I pretended to be another of my friends who had "taken over" my MSN, and who slagged me off a bit, saying that I'd never had a Valentines card or anything (a lie - Martin Doore gave me one with a squashed daisy inside it in year 2). Of course I played on this, pretending to be someone else, to make Red feel sorry for me. Whether that worked or not, who knows! But I got him in the end. I "dumped" him exactly 5 months later (a lot happened in 5 months, it seemed) in English class. I did it because Jenny seemed to have been stealing him, she had a habit of that. Ohhh teenage drama...

Aaaand first kiss... who to choose!
I never really had any of that pecking in the playground thing. I used to think boys were gross (thats a lie, I used to say that I thought boys were crap, but actually they were the most intruiging things ever, and I always wanted to watch them getting changed & such. Pervy child!). There was slight experimentation kissing with a couple of girls who I'll leave nameless (one of them hasn't even been mentioned in ANY of my blog posts, I'm sure) but then I suppose my first "SNOG" would be Mike Measures. On the top bunk of Tanzee's bunk bed at one of her parties. I think it must have been her... Halloween party perhaps? It was the night of her first kiss, too, with Peter (Jennie and I called him Peturd). I blamed any face sucking sounds on those 2, as I was a tad embarrased about it all. Thankfully I didn't chunder out the window like Tanzee did (she used to puke when she got too excited / worried etc... it was quite amusing sometimes. I remember it happening at a Harlequin band night once. Heh heh heh!!! Ohhh funny times). But yes. Mike Measures.
First ever girl SNOG was Jenny, at my 16th birthday party. We did that all night, it felt like, with everyone else asleep around us in the extension. I was so tired in the morning. It all made me so very very very happy.
Now, if I was to list my description of first kiss with everyone I've ever kissed, I'd be here all night (slight exaggeration). Ahhh teenage parties & drunken nights. How funny you are.

I love reminicing. I wish I could do it more often, with more probing questions... but I might have to get a new blog to do that, ah hah hah.

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