Where would you like to be in 10 years.
Well, isn't that a tricky thing to write about... I'm pretty sure the majority of people who're soon to finish uni are going "ARGH WHAT AM I GOING TO DO!!!".
Given that when I leave uni, I'm HOPEFULLY going to work for the YHA for a few months, and then, if I'm still up for it, will go and do Adventure International activity centre stuff for a few months after that... but that still only takes me up to November(ish) 2012! After that? Essentially I could go work for the YHA some more, and then when AI season comes around I'll go there again, etc etc etc...
But that isn't totally what I want to do.
Of course I'd like to continue with le art, it'd be superb if I could find myself an agent (or at least for the YHA time, AI wouldn't have enough time to fit it in). Failing that I suppose I could be a freelance / private arty sort. And I'd like to return to WWOOFing farm Culdees, up in Scotland. On the splendid shores of lovely Loch Tay... to have some freedom away from the money world for a while. Now that I've got a van I feel much more free, though at the same time, far less free - it's a bit like having a child (not that I'd REALLY know). Expensive things to look after, especially when they get ill.
When I leave uni I REFUSE to "run back to mummy and daddy". Of course I know it's not reeeeally like that, with everyone - some people don't see any other option, but for me, I've left home. It is no longer my home, my room is... well it's still my room, but it's not. It's a guest room now, sort of. Whenever I return there, even in the holidays, I don't feel like myself. I get lazy, and grouchy, and too childish for my liking. I feel like a silly little teenager again. Not get up and go.
I don't want to return to that.
And anyway, it has no sea / large body of water, and is FAR too close to London. Ahhhh Surrey...
I will NOT live in a big city. I think the only exception, or one of the only exceptions, would be somewhere like Edinburgh. But that is super pricey.
So where WOULD I like to be?
Right now, my perfect situation to be in in 10 years... I'd live in a cozy (but not cramped) dwelling (warm & dry) somewhere relatively rural - NEAR THE SEA (Cornwall would do nicely). I will NOT be living on my own, whether I'll be living with dwelling sharers (of my picking, or of a decent and great to live with variety), or with some sort of loverrr; I can not live alone. We have already established that. I must live with someone, possibly for my own sanity!
The dwelling would hopefully not be too close to areas of loud transport noise (airport, main roads, train tracks), however it shouldn't be too hard to get to a small town or village.
Between me and my other living sorts, we earn enough money to stay comfortable. I can't imagine ever being "crazy rich", or even approaching slightly wealthy, but so long as I can still pay bills, patch things up when they need patching, and still have some spare for luxuriating every so often, it'd be great.
In my fantasy life I'd love to have a horse (or 2, so many 1 each, to keep each other company) to ride, and a cat or 2 to curl up on my lap. A hamster would be laaaaavly too, though may not get on so well with the cat(s). And I'd have to really patch up the living space, to make sure it didn't escape outside into the great wide world (to those who know me, you'll know I believe in "free range hamsters", left to roam wild round the house, though having a careful eye on them to make sure they don't chew the place to death, and to be taken on the occasional walk in fresh air).
But of course I know that animals are expensive to look after, and I'd have to have some land for the horses (thats fine. I'd like land).
On the mention of land I'd love to have a wild garden. Not all over grown and bramble tangled, but just natural. I'm not overly great at gardening, so the lower maintenence the better. So long as I've got an apple tree, any other fruit trees, herb garden, and vegetable patch / green house (and a shed) I'm happy. Under the trees there would be strung up a hammock, somewhere else there would be a hidey hole den of some sort - tree house? Small log cabin? Perhaps even have a teepee. Wouldn't it be nice to have a small pond, for frogs? And a trampoline! I miss having a trampoline. For my PERFECT bouncing device, I'd have it sunk into the ground, so it was not a bright blue glowing object sitting in the middle of the place.
Inside the house would be decorated to a strange style of perfection. My kitchen would have to be a fully equipped one - as much as I'd like an aga I'm not really THAT sure on how to use them, so a normal oven & hob would do (as long as they function perfectly) (though an aga WOULD be super duper groovy, especially for the cats to snooze on).
The living area would be cozy, and big enough to have a small gathering in (so not just the 1 sofa, preferably). Open fire / log burner to roast marshmallows on.
But I could go on and on and on about how I'd like my home to be, and that isn't the point, so I'll stop that now.
Of course I'd have a fabulous selection of friends pretty close to hand.
Failing that fairy tale, I reckon I'd be fine working for the YHA still. They have a great bunch of hostels in super locations, always have people coming and going, and the pay isn't half bad, since you often get accomodation thrown in too!!
We'll see, we'll see. I really don't know, currently, so I shall just dream.
Do NOT mention children.
What about the next 10 days?
What am I doing in those? Currently keeping me in a straight line for the present is more important than winding a long tale about the future.
Today I am in uni, writing this, then attacking my dissertation some more. I want to get it finished early, perhaps I mentioned that yesturday. At 11:15 I have a group crit, I hope it won't take too long! I don't have much to show, just some number 6's (see below) and my currently unfinished Anne of Green Gables project. It is the first project I have not really finished on time, but that is because I've been doing dissertation work this week instead (so I'm not really too worried, it seems to be more finished than not, so thats good).

Tomorrow myself, Silje & Lisa are having STICKMEAT DAY. We shall let it cook throughout the day (much to Rarr's disgust), and eat it in the evening, maybe we'll dress up a little nice? I hope my swede is ok (to make swede mash) as it's been in the fridge since before x-mas (that fateful x-mas meal). I suppose for the rest of the day I should yet again do dissertation... or maybe take my van out for a quick speedy visit into the country (to get some fuel!!).
Sunday eve I'm meant to be off to Umut's place, I've never seen it! We used to hang out together LOADS in first year, or at least loads in the first half... we don't so much any more, if ever. I think it's because he likes to go out & party and get drunk, where as I... well, I like to hang round with smelly blacksmiths in their forges, and sit around listening / singing folk music (with old men!!!), or wander about the mud in the countryside. But he (Umut) paid me a little visit the other day, as we decided we definately needed a catch up (with some Strongbow, for old times sake. Eek).
Monday, I have a suspicion that I'll be a tad worse for wear after the Strongbow. Nothing is planned yet, so I should just GET ON WITH MY DISSERTATION.
Tuesday is BURNS NIGHT. And dissertation in the day time. I have bought a haggis, and need to acquire a turnip / similar, so I can eat it all proper Scottish loike (with Silje, if she wishes to share my haggis).
Wednesday is apparently Australia day, according to my Alfred Wainwright 2011 diary. Should I pay any notice of this, to make the day fun? We'll see, we'll see. More dissertation... urggggh.
Thursday is YET AGAIN more dissertation, and then in the evening a few of Peoples String Foundation (I'm guessing Luke, Ben, maybe Harry?) are playing at Q-Bar. I think that means that Luke won't be doing open mic at The Front that night... we'll see what I get up to. I could do with a Q-Bar visit, they have scrummy Mohito's (at a not so scrummy price). But... I should do MORE DISSERTATION.
Friday is currently blank. Blanky blanky blank. I think I'll be avoiding group crit this day, due to not having done any work apart from DISSERTATION, so... I'll do more of that D thing this day.
Saturday. A BREAK FROM THE D THING! (yep, it's been demoted in it's word). I'm off to Holwell Bay with BTCV (Jennie will be there too, says Claire! ^^). I think it's a vegetation / footpatch clearing day, but could also be a beach sweep, or anything, really.
Sunday. Guess what. D.
So... that was what I wish to do with my next 10 years, and what I shall be doing for my next 10 days.
And now, I shall get on with THE DREADED D. But before that, here, have an image:

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