Friday, 21 January 2011

52. Kiss a kangaroo

Task 3 of the 30 day challenge. I'm doing it a little early (but it's still the next day, or at least here on ENGLISH time it is! My blog seems to be set to crazy / American time...).

Your views on drugs and alcohol.

WEEEELLL. What can I say? I've just finished off a bottle of red wine with Lisa in an evening, and thats NOTHING... admittedly I've calmed down a LOT alcohol wise since I was, say, 17 (Imy & I used to go swimming in the morning, swim half a mile in half an hour, then go back to hers, eat lunch, contemplate life a bit, go to the offy with her sisters I.D., buy vodka, get back to hers, start drinking, have supper maybe, keep drinking whilst listening to one HELL of a lot of cheesy pop (never really listened to cheesy pop before then, we just listened to all the old classics, it seemed, somehow, RIGHT). We'd get through a bottle or so each (the larger of the square bottles). At parties of mine I'd drink even more.
And of course I drank lots in freshers fortnight 2 years back, and continued that drinking through chunks of 1st year, but it died out... now I feel rather civilised with my drinking. Perhaps I've been put off a bit because I know my liver is a tad fried, and it isn't THAT rare for me to get a two day hangover. I won't feel too great the day after drinking a bottle of wine, or more than 3 pints without having some water. Sorry liver, but for my birthday I think I'll be sharing my 18 pint box of Skinners (preferably Heligan Honey) with Silje, Vera, and Lisa... (is Vera is still up for joining in with it, despite it's fishyness... but it's freeeee?). Thats 4.5 pints each. Could be worse. Plus I'm craving that Q-Bar Mohito for after dissertation still. AND alcohol is a MUST for cooking! You really can't have a perfect spag bog without red wine, creamy mushroom pasta without a slosh of white, fish pie without sherry...
And drugs... well, I couldn't really say that I've never taken drugs. I don't like putting chemicals into my body, I even try to put off taking pain killers unless the pain is REALLY bad. I have friends who take them and in one case I think they're throwing their money down the drug drain (it's got a bit too far, sometimes, in my opinion) but in the end it's their life. All I can say is everything in moderation, if at all, and don't touch shit like heroin or crack. Those 2 are the ones which creep me out big time, hollow cheeked zombies...
Did you know that they're contemplating making weed legal, for a few reasons, a couple being to try lower the drugs crime rate (to make buying the stuff safer), and another is so that the government can make lots of money from it. I can imagine it WOULD make lots of money... and I can also imagine that the registered selling places (pharmacys?) would probably sell good stuff, rather than a random mix of the real deal and basil or something.

So there you have it. I don't really have much to say on the matter, I just wish people wouldn't ruin themselves with the stuff.

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