27. A problem that you have had
Problem? What sort of problem? I have a habit of stressing out a bit too much when things aren’t going exactly my way (lost my way on a map, and can’t find the way? OHHHH NOOO!). That is always a problem.
I’ve had problems with bullying, as in, I’ve been bullied, and had a problem with it. As it sucks. But I reckon we’ve spoken about that before… and I don’t currently fancy going into it.
A problem with cheese sandwiches… the sort where you sandwich a great amount of cheese between 2 slices of bread, and microwave it until cheese is melted. I used to eat at least one every day when I came home from school. No wonder I got chubby.
I now have problems with hangovers, as I killed my liver it seems from drinking a lot of vodka in the “good old days”. When bad, those hangovers can be of the 2 day variety… so I try not to drink so much these days.
I like to put things in order – size, height, colour… is that a problem? Some would say so. I don’t agree with them.
Lets stop with these problems.
Good morning, waking up at 7am… got 5ish minutes until I have to leave to go in for 7:30, so I’ll type a bit of this.
Last night in the kitchen was really good, we had an American party of 22 folks in, 2 wanted macaroni cheese (instead of what we normally serve which is cauliflower & broccoli pasta bake). So I said I’d make that, used a base of “béchamel sauce” which is weird shit, it’s basically a pre-made white sauce (as I said with the pre-made stuff…) but I got to add my own touch to it – milk to thin it out a bit, nutmeg, cayenne pepper, black pepper, and cheddar. Paul said it tasted WELL GOOD (not in those words).
ALSO… there is a catering manager job going here. I’m half tempted to see if I’d be able to get it, as it’d be excellent just to work in the kitchen… sure I’d have to do loads of paperwork too, but once I got all that organised I’d be sorted. I think I’ll ask when I go in, as both my parents said (or something like this) “you’ve (I’ve) nothing to lose”. Agreed.
Good afternoon, it is now 2:30pm and I am sitting on my (actually quite comfy) bed, listening to Planet Rock! Sadly it’s a song by U2, but… I’m sure something good will come on soon. And drinking my version of chai latte. Basically, a mug of milk (microwaved) with a little boiled water and the chai teabag. It doesn’t seem to NOT work, but would possibly work better if I put the teabag in the boiled water for a while, then added lots of hot milk.
And I thought that being in for 7:30 (wake up at 7am) was early… tomorrow… in for 6:30. UP AT 6AM. Well, perhaps it’ll get me into good habits. I’d love to be a hardcore morning person.
I asked about the catering manager job and got some print off stuff, it looks good enough but I’m wondering if I’d REALLY be able to do it. It’d also put my salary up to £14,000 - £16,000 a year… (extra £2-4,000).
The American group staying here are ok, for breakfast of course we were serving all sorts of breakfast, and when it came to the cooked stuff they were like “oh, can I have, err, like two pieces of ham, and some hash?”. ARR HARR HARR. For a start, it’s BACON. Not ham. And they’re hash browns… otherwise it just sounds a little odd. But I guess each to their own…
9:55pm. My god. My feet ache. I’ve been on them 5pm until now, but not really walking about – just washing up. It’s the newest persons job, I suppose, when everything else is all go. I did get to finish making the couscous though (well, y’know, add the herbs and weird salty stuff and hot water and couscous to the already seasoned by Paul raisins & beans etc). So yes. Much washing up. And guess what? I’m now home, and soon to DEFINITELY go to sleep as I am up at 6. I’ve already said that. MY FEEEEEEEET! This isn’t REALLY a whinge, I know what this job is… it’s just my first day of foot ache, s’all. For the I have a feeling that I get the day off on Thursday though?? We’ll see.
One thing I did find out today: dancing ridiculously in the kitchen when your feet ache ACTUALLY REALLY HELPS. For a moment or 10. Not long, but it raises the spirits and is amusing when hugely tall people (Ben) join in.
Also find out that Paul shouts something like “YEEEAHHHHHH!” when Alice Cooper songs come on on Planet Rock (yep, on in the kitchen!). But that’s not surprising since Alice Cooper is his ULTIMATE favourite. ULTIMATE.
I can’t believe I’m going to sleep at 10pm. Why do these American’s insist on leaving the hostel by 7:30am latest…
Sitting in bed starkers here, I see I have a slight belly. That must go. I guess that may not be so hard, since my supper consisted of 1 half full mug of chocolate custard, a few (4?) sneaked chunks of sausage, a little bit (like, less than a cupcake by far) of chocolate cake, some tomato, and some apple. Actually that’s a fair amount of crap. But yes. That was all I ate for supper. Interesting, eh? At Exeter we used to have supper breaks (though not for long, but still at a decent supper eating time. When you get in at 9:45pmish and need to go to bed straight away pretty much, it’s not a good time to eat supper.
Note to self: BUY A TORCH. Went to walk back to the cottage with my food box, and thought I’d be fine! But no. It was utterly pitch black. So I had to sit about for a little time until someone (Siobhan in the end) came along also going that way, and she had vague light.
And now, I shall reply to a text messaaage, and then SLEEP. I’m glad I had a longish power nap earlier.
Good night.
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