Your highs and lows of this past year.
Ta da!
This time a year ago, it was the 16th February 2010. Amazing, that.
I'd only just starting "being with" Mr O'Shea, and we'd actually been on a Valentines (ok, the day before) picnic! But then I went off to Paris with Squidget & Rarr (and many other people on my course). Paris was pretty shit, in my opinion. Except for buying cheese, meat, French sticks, and GIANT GARLIC. 3rd time in 4 years? Uh uh.
But yeah, so Paris wasn't so great but I was def-nutly happy with Mr O'Shea... even though that caused a bit of friction in the house, it seemed, because I was spending so much time with him. That wasn't so great (the friction).
The year was full of illustration - which got far better AFTER Paris, singing sea shanties, being given gifts of carrot cake, urdurt, Green & Blacks chocolate, and Toblerones.
And other such delights.
Sadly it got to the summer and I had my normal twitch of "getting bored". I just wasn't happy with it anymore, and you're not meant to stay with things (places, people, objects) which you aren't totally happy with. So, come, ehhh... September / Octoberish, it all ended with Mr O'Shea, and it was a long and nasty process, but it happened. That WOULD be the low. Nastily energy draining, it is a sad thing to do.
The high would still be Glastonbury, which I mentioned in a post not far behind this one. So many colours, smells, sounds, feelings... the whole shabang. The people, the weather, the dust dirt I could scrape off myself (probably with a spatula!). One day I hope to have something similarly fabulous.
Recent highs would be getting the job at Golant YHA, finding out that driving Hector round isn't QUITE so as terrifying as I imagined (still getting used to the blind spots though! Need some of those funny round mirrors), going to the forge, etc etc etc.
Yep! I'm happy :)
Here's 3 bits of arty fart I've finished this week already. 2 pieces I did in an evening each sort of thing (more like engorged doodles) and the other is the Anne of Green Gables project I've just finished (started before dissertation, but that blasted essay got in the way). Well, the FRONT of the AoGG book cover, anyway.

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