Well ahoy-hoy-HOY!
There is a girl running down my road in heels (in the rain) shouting drunkedly, "where are YOU?, where are YOU?" down her phone. She doesn't seem too upset about it, just drunkedly confused. A bit like a time Imy called me when drunk & such and then suddenly when "SHIT, Bex, I've lost my phone, OH GOD, WHERE IS MY PHONE". OHHHHHHH Imy.I have not updated this thing properly. For the last few days I've missed my 30 day challenge things because my sister Elk came down to visit on Friday, and then we went and had the weekend away doing voluntary DIY SOS work at Treyarnon Bay YHA (north coast Cornwall). It was my van Hector's first biggish outing, and he was even fine on a hairpin bend! What a GOOD little van! And soon I shall kit him out.
Got back Monday midday, after taking a de-tour on the way back to Falmouth by taking the long scenic way to the forge to see Lisa, only to find she wasn't there, but then she appeared.
Tuesday Silje & I got our dissertations bound, & bought a couple of WHOLE pheasants from the market. Spent a long time after that plucking them (kept the feathers - still need to remove a bit of gack from some of the longer ones, but the rest are WELL GOOOOD). I then chopped them up and gutted them & skinned them & such, and we made a tasty pheasant & veg stew which Lisa joined us for (Vera & Faye were less than impressed by the dead pheasants due to their refusal to eat dead animals, though Faye did get a good look at the guts - it was like an interesting science lesson).
Went to the forge on Wednesday, too, to help Lisa make her caravan. It's coming along very nicely, we put a couple of windows in & all! It's speeding up, can't wait to see it finished.
Thursday Silje & I handed in our dissertations, then Friday... Friday? Eep! I can't remember! I feel a bit lost without the dissertation but it's great to be free, I'll get back into the swing of uni work come monday. Did we tie dye my bedsheets Thursday or Friday? (which ever day, they look terrific! I have the mighty finest colourfullest sheets around...).
Today Silje & I did BTCV work in some woods someplace past Redruth / Camborne. We hacked down Laurel all day as it is not a native species, and over takes EVERYTHING else. KILL IT OFF! We worked bulldozer style, and then did sniper moves, sneaking up & attacking. Very fun. It was nice & sunny, & we (tried to) sing some shanties, though found we've forgotted a lot of stuff. Bugger. BTCV Claire gave Silje & I a £125 gift voucher for The Hall of Cornwall theatre (for helping with BTCV so much, though the thing itself was a leftover prize from something else. But still!); we think we'll go see Swan Lake on Ice, Mozart the Opera, and some strange other musical for which the name fails me - I will feel very civilised, and just MUST dress up! This eve we had a few drinks & went out to Jacobs Ladder with Tora & Rarr, but due to being woken up last night by some NOISY BLIGHTERS (ha!) I was too tired & so came home early. S&V are still out. It was nice to walk home in the rain on my own, even though my lovely orangey Indian patterned trousers split AGAIN, what is wrong with my crotch & trousers! Met a man who had lost his black labrador doggalump. I hope he finds it.
Or, at least, I have a job 27th March - 17th April, and then start of July onwards.
Golant YHA. Yaaaay! Thank you, Golant. I was so very happy when I found out, even though there was a mad fumble to find my phone charger & plug it in to all the appropriate holes (mercy buckets, Squidget, for being my phone fumbler). Having a job for when I finish uni is a great relief, especially as it is YHA as that means I'll have decent amounts of spare time in which to draw / paint / walk / contemplate the stranger corners of life.
It also means I can stay in Cornwall, which was one of my biggest wishes.
Even if it means that I still won't be able to see all my folks back home so much. I'll still see them every so often, I hope. I'll go visit them (though I won't get Summer/Winter/Easter holidays any more, due to not being in education any more!). I hope they'll come visit me, too.
I'm thinking of having a Woodstock themed birthday party (before my birthday). I wonder if I can get away with only playing music which was played by bands at the festival, without folks changing the music to something shit. That'd be great. But what would I wear! So much choice...! Would anyone be naked? That'd be superb! Shame the weather won't be warm enough to have it partly outside.
Right now, I'd like a bowl full of hard boiled eggs to eat. With a couple of not so hard boiled ones in there, so I can have a gooey centre for toasted & buttered Irish soda bread soliders. Mmm.
RIGHTY, heres some work by other folks:
Image from National Geographic, in Alaska.
Material, from "ernieblog" fabric blog / Flickr. Mmm!!

I'm not sure who this is by, I found it whilst roaming about Tumblr. Isn't it pretty!

Very simple card, but it caught my eye at Dude & Chick.

Splattery goodness. Fredrick Akum.

Laura Bell did a moon, too.

I'm liking the moons. Finally, an scanned image of my hands after tie dying my bedding...

A list of links to ponder upon:
For my page in the quotes book, I want to use a section from this poem.
I've been told to observe Indian Miniature painting.
Oh to have plenty of Moroccan furniture.
Fun fun fun sewn owls on this Flickr (AnnWood).
Can I have this set of socks, please?
I wish to see all of these AMAZING geographical wonders.
Some lovely simple designs on here, like an angular version of Sanna Annuka's work.
Folky art style. YES. Look and learn, Bex.
I looked at this girls work and thought "thats what I want to do! It's already slightly similar...?"
THE OWLY MOTHS. EEE. That is all I can say.
Now some photos of what I've been up to, plus CAKE RECIPES! Yum.
Helping Lisa with her caravan...
Taking Hector on his first LITTLE road trip to Porthleven, where I locked his keys inside him. And then my camera battery quickly ran out, so I used Silje's camera for the rest.
Elk scrubbing the outdoors bog & shower at Treyarnon...
The pheasants! Decided to show a less gory one...
My bed of very colourful dreams...
And finally, some RECIPES. Both for cakes, both based on simple cake recipes.
Chocolate Banoffee cupcakes with peanut butter filling
-100g SR flour
-100g margerine
-50g dark sugar
-50g normal white sugar
-1 egg
-cocoa powder
-1 frozen banana
-1 big bar of Galaxy caramel chocolate
-Crunchy (smooth will do, I guess) peanut butter.
How to:
-Preheat oven to 190deg celcius.
-Mix together the sugar and marg, then add flour & egg.
-Defrost banana in microwave (before removing skin). It'll get very squidgy, but that is good.
-Add banana & cocoa powder (enough to taste chocolatey taste) to the mix.
-Chop up the chocolate into medium sized chunks, alternatively just put 1 whole square in the middle of each cupcake.
-Dollop half the mix into the bottom of 6 cupcake cases, put a teaspoon full of peanut butter on top of that, and then use the rest of the mixture to fill them up.
-Bake for 25-30 mins, until fork isn't gacky when it's prodded in & out of a cake.
Nom nom nom nom nom. I suppose you could ice them or something too, but we left them like this.
Fruit & poppy seed cream cheese filled cupcakes (THE BEST ONES!!!)
-100g SR flour
-100g light muscavado sugar
-a bit more muscavado sugar
-100g margerine
-1 egg
-poppy seeds
-vanilla essence (the posher the better)
-ground almonds
-squidgy but dried cranberries & apricots
-full fat (low fat could work too?) plain cream cheese
-Preheat oven to 190deg cel
-Mix together the marg & 100g sugar, then add flour & egg.
-Drop in a few drops of vanilla essence, and enough poppy seeds to make it look like it's full of spiders eggs (some people prefer less poppy seeds, but I like the texture when baked).
-Seperate the mix into 2 bowls, in 1 bowl add a good amount of dried cranberries, in the other add chopped apricots (slicing 1 dried apricot into 4 is about the right size pieces).
-Mix up cream cheese filling, I used about 2/3 of a pack of it. To cream cheese add a small slosh of vanilla, a small handful of ground almonds, and enough sugar to make it taste sweetened. WARNING: BEFORE BEING BAKED, THIS MIXTURE MAY TASTE A LITTLE ODD. Do not let that deter you!!. The mixture will become a bit runny when mixing, but thats fine.
-Put half the cranberry mixture into 3 cupcake cases, and half the apricot mixture into the other 3 (of course, you can double, triple, quadruple, etc etc etc this mix. Which is a VERY good idea, as these are GOOD).
-Divvy out the cream cheese mixture into the 6 cases.
-Remembering which cases had which fruit, put the correct leftover mixture into them, trying to cover all the cream cheese. You should be able to tell which is which, but if not then add something like whole almonds into the top of some of them.
-Cook for 25ish minutes, this will be FINE.
-Cool and leave out over night. The temptation to eat them straight away may be big, but try not to as they're so much better when a little aged.
-EAT. The result is like a hybrid of cake & cheesecake...
Enjoy! Yum yum yum.
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