Wednesday, 2 February 2011

64. A rap o the door.

Today's 30 day thing.

Your favourite Tumblr's.

Y'know, I think I'll just stick to "your favourite websites in general".
Every day when I turn on my poota (when I have internet) I look at these websites, in this order, but only if they're likely to have updated (I remember the update days off by heart).

Misfile - I'm really not a great fan of this one (hence why I read it first). But I just want to see what happens. I got myself dragged into it by accident. (Webcomic).

Red String - Kinda too girly... but sometimes we all need a bit of girliness. (Webcomic).

Gunnerkrigg Court - this is getting better & better in my opinion, especially the artwork. It started off being a bit iffy, but... yeeeeah. (Webcomic).

Scary Go Round - This is great! Sometimes a bit "hum hum" but the characters are amusing, and YEAH. (Webcomic).

Questionable Content - It started with awful drawings, now it's pretty good. It's great to follow their lives, they're sooooo gooooood. Miss Megan got me attached to these. (Webcomic).

Hotmail - All my e-mails go to one of my 2 accounts here. Joys!

- Ahem. Yes, well...

THEN, if I'm not forcing myself to work, I'll go check on my "art" websites.

Society6 - It slowly seems to be being intruded by crap art sorts (sorry, but they really are). I just hope it doesn't get to Deviantart level. Blegh.

- I enjoy watching my image views go up. Mmmm.

Tumblr - This is a recent addiction. I hope I don't become TOO attached, it's just a nice place to store images, so I don't save them ALL onto my poor computer!

Theeen I'l go look through some blogs...

A Cup of Jo - Started looking through this when she showed more graphic designy pretty arty fun stuff, but she's gone rather wedding / baby / romance based now. Pah.

- It goes through phases of showcasing good work, then bad work. I 'spose it depends whats in fashion in the arty farty world.

Color Me Katie - Fun little blog full of colour.

Design for mankind - Artsy fashiony designy stuff. Can tend to get a bit repetative, but it's normal to find interesting works.

Swiss Miss - Got shown this by our tutor Amanda when at Art College. She shows many good bits of design & tidy Swiss style (minimalism, I suppose)

Where the lovely things are - Similar to Design for mankind, but a bit less graphic looking in style, more illustration.

Pikaland - Got put off this a bit at first due to the Gemma Correll illustration border at the top, but she isn't really THAT bad. I suppose. Like Silje said - some of her more doodly bits are growing on me, it's just when she tries to do proper illustration.... nuh uh.

The Hermitage - Rima's work is AMAZING, AND she lives only in Dartmoor! Although not my style of work, the effort & style put into it... mmmmmm!

We Three, Ginger cats tales - Lovely lovely lovely cats. Cats who go for WALKS!

Smitten Kitchen - Rarr passed this onto me. I'll make some of those recipes, some day.

Search for life - Good eye for imagery, however the photo of herself on the side always bugs me.

What Katie Ate - HOM NOM NOM NOM NOM.

That'll do for now!

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