Disrespecting your parents.
I have DEFINATELY disrespected my parents, I was one hell of a grumpy teenager...
Though I do feel that parents are a rather essential part of my life now, even if I rarely ever see them, most communication is done by MSN (and that is sporadic, and more with mum than dad since, well, he doesn't talk much).
No more disrespect any more, I'm no longer a grumpy teenager. They sometimes help me when I'm tearing my hair out over a "grown up" issue (such as tax return). Every so often a little money trickles through (always useful), and I guess their sense of dress isn't so bad after all... it's weird how I used to complain about my mum wearing sludgy green & some brown, where as here I am, sitting in bed (yes, bed... I'm warming it up before I sleep!) wearing sludgy green thick army socks, some odd sludgyish brownish (saggy) leggings, and a rusty red top dress thing. GONE are the days of being a slave to black, THANK GOD! Black is so... yes. BLACK. Of course, it looks good on some. I just prefer to avoid it.
I used to think men with beards (like my dad - mum hasn't ever seen him without a beard. They met at uni...), were weird. Why the HELL would you want a beard?! But now - BEARDS! YES! THEY'RE GREAT! They make a chap look more like a BLOKE than a boy. So long as it's nice and neat, nothing bushy & overgrown etc (see here).
Hmm... so the subject of disrespecting parents has moved onto preferences in colour and mens facial hair... must mean that I've come to an end of this challenge section.
I have just polished off a couple of home made oatcakes that my cousin Dan(ielle) made when she was down in Falmouth visiting me for a week.
It was great to have her here, she was a tad off the rails due to LIFE problems, but I haven't seen her in years & it's graaaand to eat a different sort of diet for a while. I've never really eaten tofu before, but I had it TWICE - nice & marinated. And nut cutlets! Safe to say, I went out & bought some today. Well chopped salad for lunch, mixed in with feta and crushed in hand walnuts (that bit was my idea). Mmm. Even though all the veggie food was delicious, I can safely say that I still love meat (this was proven this evening when Silje & I ate a Norwegian sausage, it tastes of stick meat - the only food so far which has almost / quite possibly HAS made me cry with happiness!!!).
I took her for a walk to Pendennis head, where we saw a whole tribe / gang / heard / bundle / collection of dolphins playing in the wake of a couple of boats, and leaping RIGHT out of the water. It was pretty amazing (yes, I DO insist on using capitilised words today).
Went to the pub (a few times, various pubs) sang some shanties with the Falmouth Shout at 5 Degrees West. And Elk came down for a couple of days too, so we drove off to Perranporth on a gloriously sunny day & went on a short coastal walk with me constantly making noises of awe & affection for the Cornish coast (of course I've seen it all / most before, however it never fails to make me want to squeal and jump up & down & then touch it. And smell it. Walk it, lick it, stroke it, roll on it... etc. ALL OF IT. I'm hoping Dan enjoyed it just as much as I did, even if the noises & actions coming out of her were a little less OTT.
This weekend Silje & I were meant to be going on a free holiday BTCV weekend to near Plymouth to do things like plant trees, some little outdoorsy mini-courses (green woodworking / fence making etc), music making, watching a band... etc... however a few days before Silje had a yurghy cold, and I was feeling a little pushed over with everything, wanted a free weekend... and so we sadly had to drop out at the last minute. I hope they found 2 alternative people.
So today the Norweg's & I took a little trip to Truro, to pick up my precious cargo of 18 pints of Heligan Honey from Skinners Brewery. Mmm. I hope free ale tastes EVEN BETTER. Also briefly skipped round the city (ha!) centre, I found a lovely RUSTY coloured top / dress thing (previously mentioned) and nothing else. Back home past Lidl & Sainsburys (isn't this interesting...) to buy copious amounts of bogroll, and more avacados. Yum yum yum yum yum.
This evening I have just been snoozing on Silje's bed, eating, and painting.
And now I can smell the popcorn Faye just made. WAAAANT.
Eek, I can't believe how fast these past few weeks have gone, and how fast I suspect the next few weeks will go!!
This coming week MAX is coming down, which'll be groooovy, and then theres my 1965-1975 themes birthday party (held a week before my birthday). I hope a decent amount of people turn up, and it's all fun... I've invited a few folks I've never invited before, I HOPEEE it all turns out fine. It'd be nice to have a good bunch.
Then of course it's my actual birthday on the 25th, I'll keep that to my 18 pints of Skinners & some likers/lovers of the liquid. Found out that I have to START work at Golant on the 27th, so I guess I'll travel there in a slightly hungover state on the 26th. Oh bugger. I was kinda hoping to be allowed to travel there on the 27th but beggars can't be choosers, and I don't fancy asking incase they decide they don't want me?!.
At the end of April we're off to Brittany, it'll be larvelyyy to see some folks again...
We're meant to be organising a pre-Brittany gig or 2... however I don't know the first thing about it, and I'm away for most of the time before then, and... ARGH! What the hell do I dooo? Don't really want to go to Lisa to ask for help as she gave the job to us. But really...
Mmm... and now I've had a lovely sunny Sunday. Woke up 10am-ish (bit of a lie in) and then after a VERY fruit filled breakfast, wandered off to Gyll beach with Silje for an icecream (Roskillys Hokey Pokey with a flake) and a sit on the sand in the sun by the sea, watching the likes of a dog thoroughly enjoying the sand & other dogs, and some girls in bikinis who must have been FREEZING. Young teenagers are strange people... that sounds weird, that we were watching young teenage girls (and one boy). It's not meant to be. It was just because they were right near to us. NOT WEIRD.
After that we strolled back home, popping into various hotels / guest houses / B&B's to find a place for when Silje's parents & brother come down (exciting!!!).
Lunch happened, without heating my leftovers up in the microwave - I quite enjoy having a non-functioning microwave, really... seems that Faye can't cope however.
Sorted out part of my study, I've slowly started digging into the stuff.
For supper we polished off Silje's chicken goujons, with some oven baked sweet potato, potato, and courgette chunks sprinkled with spices. Ate all that with a salad & some chive & garlic mayo which we threw together (hom nom. Definately have to take the beloved Clive the chive to Golant & beyond). And you know, Chinese 1 clove garlic is AMAZING. Of course it's not sourced so locally as other garlic, however it comes in big bulbs (from Lidl in a basket). I very very very much love garlic, so big single clove bulbs of it are godly. I wonder what they're like, baked... on their own... with some good butter.
Anyhoo, shoosh Bex. Everything will be fiiiine.
Have a few photos from the past little while...
I made this little doodle yesturday:

Now, heres a few bits of imagery I've got lying around recently:

After the damp issue is sorted, however.

When looking for a quote, I stumbled across this poem... and MY GOD it is long. I still haven't got to the end.
So... thats that.
P.S. My quote for the uni illustrated quotes & sayings book is: "I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze." - William Wordsworth.