Today I have got my back tyres replaced, and I wish to do some painting / drawing (for business cards and such), and print out a picture, and make some cake, etc etc etc.
Here are some images of what I've been doing:

OH FALMOUTH, how I love you!
Woke up 6:30, watched the sunrise – well, part of it. The bit which wanted to show itself to me. Which was most of it – the bright orange sun appearing over the hill, some pink fluffy cloud above it… mmm. It sucks not having keys to the hostel, though. Can I have some yet, please? Someone was a bit late to join me on breakfast duty, so I couldn’t get in! Thankfully I found Ben & got keys off of him, and then Rachel came and joined me and so everything ran wonderfully smoothly and then… OFF AND AWAY!
It’s not a bad drive from Fal to Golant, my driving was a bit shit though as my tyre air was VERY low, and even another van driver honked me whilst next to me at a red light, & said “your back tyres are desperately low!!!” sort of thing, so I found a garage & pumped em up. I am yet to learn a lot more about vehicles & their needs. And… I’ll need to get a new set of back tyres. They’re very bald. Yes indeed I will. Perhaps that can be my job tomorrow.
But the sun was shining, and even though I had to pay £2 for parking as I couldn’t find a space, that was made better within 2 hours as:
-I got to use the INTERNET!
-When I moved Hector 2 hours later, I did a VERY nifty bit of parking, pat on the back to moi!
After that I went for a wander into Falmouth town, it was lovely! It’s crazy how much one can miss a place.
I went right to the end of the high street to the old high street, to the Natural Store. I’m not really meaning to be very VERY personal & all, but I went there on a mission: TO BUY A MOONCUP.
A Mooncup, you may ask? Well, the first time I heard about them was when there were adverts for them pasted all over the backs of toilet doors at Glastonbury… didn’t really look into it much, though. The next time was when my cousin Dan came to stay, she said they were really good as they totally reduce both waste and costs of BEING FEMALE. What are they? Well, I’m going to leave it to you to look it up. If you don’t like super girly things (this may apply to any chaps out there) then you may not want to. I can warn you that they aren’t the cheapest things to buy (roughly £20) but I’m sure they’ll be worth it in the end.
After than I skipped past a couple of charity shops, in one I found a lovely shade of turquoise jumper – 50p – nothing wool or anything, just cheap, but I have slight plans for it. The other shop I found a glorious “hippy Indian” throw / hanging / scarf / piece of pretty. Lovely! Now I just have to argue with myself as to what I’m going to use it for. As you can tell I was on a little bit of a spree… but the sun was out and I’m going to get paid a little soon! Not that I want to spend it all, but these things are mostly all useful… I went on to Boots, where I bought some liquid plaster (Germolene stuff – in catering you may well have to wear those blue ones, but they CAN fall off and they SUCK! Where as this Germolene stuff is good as if you put 2 layers of it on, it doesn’t come off (even in the shower!) and can’t be seen, and doesn’t make your finger smell. Yes, it’s the way forwards. Especially since I’ve been getting little cuts on my hands left right and centre, which I only find out about when I make a citrusy fruit salad or do the washing up. Yowch. Also got some chiropractic heel things for putting in my steel toe capped Doc’s – it’ll hopefully make my feet far happier in the kitchen.
I then went and sat on some quiet steps down to the sea, where I watched Flushing, and the boats go by, and basked in the sunshine whilst still feeling as if I was still missing Falmouth, despite me being there.
Walking back I passed our landlord Jeremy "Jezza" on the street, he's so forgetful - asked me what year we were in! Third, silly! Otherwise we would need another year in the house!!
Roskillys icecream shop was open, which definately signals the start of summer. The bald chap was in there, so I had my normal conversation with him of "oh, I never know what to have" and then after 5ish minutes "I think I'll go with the apple crumble, it's not warm enough for orange and mascerpone" (I ALWAYS go for apple crumble). He told me to try the blackcurrant cheesecake some day, but I reminded him that I'm not a great fan of blackcurrents (we've had that conversation before).
So I went and licked my icecream on some steps on the quay - not the best place, as that place was already taken, but it made me notice that I'd never sat on those steps before, and that Trago Mills is on stilts!!
Then to Tescos to pick up some grub & milk to keep me surviving, it was good as my two favourite Tescos workers were in there (mmhmm!), always makes a day better.
Munched on some reduced chicken & vegetable sushi in the sun in the back yard, and then indulged some more in the interwebs before shooting off to Lisa's for food, wine, and nattering. It was good to see a friendly face again. Well, a friendly face I hadn't seen in a while, who I know well.
Bedtime. Again. Definitely, got to be up in 6.5 hours! Could have gone to bed earlier, but Siobhan, Rachel & I were sitting at the top of the stairs having a good natter about life. Mmhmm!
A few things in my brain have got sorted out, I don’t reckon I actually want the duty manager job as I’m not sure I’ll want to stay here after October (a couple of reasons, nothing awful, but… yeeeah). Rachel is thinking the same, but with catering manager job. We shall see indeed! Wherever life takes us / we take ourselves / a joint effort.
Off to Falmouth tomorrow night, for 2 nights. I need it, yes indeed I do! It’ll be good in the summer once Hector is all kitted out, I’ll be able to take myself off in my off days and just crash in the back of him.
The stars are lovely and out tonight.
My feet ache like… HELL tonight.
Goodnight. I’ll post this all on teh interwebs tomorrow when I indulge myself ALL EVENING on MSN & Facebook & such. H’OH YUS.
Night y’all!
Hello, first hangover of Golant.
It was the big wedding party last night, and although we weren’t essentially wedding guests, we (myself, Rachel, and Ben) decided to turn our night off into a little party. Drank down some pints of Heligan Honey (mmm), I munched on some of the leftover hog roast (my god!), and we nattered, and raced, and attempted to barn dance, and tried to stick Rachel into the toilet with sellotape, but failed as she is TOO CLEVER, and saw it. Later on we sat in our staff living room and listened to music (well, went “YEAH I LOVE THIS SONG! AAAHHH!”).
So yes… we’re now all a bit zombieish.
Whilst cleaning, I looked out of the window (room 7 or so, I’d say. Nice view of the river) and it was raining/hailing BEAUTIFULLY. The sort when it’s just coming straight down, not too hurried but still fast, thickly, and making a constant “shh” sound. When you can see some strange body of it even in the distance. I just thought it was excellent, so stuck my head out the window (fresh air was greatly good).
And on a different note again, I really love serving food to people off of the hot plates thinger (like a dinner lady!).
Didn’t write much yesterday… but I’m sure that’s FINE.
Today I worked 7am-4pm, and I’ve been lazing about since. I’m now watching River Garden, and feel a little bad about all the crap I’ve eaten today (lots of leftovers from cooked breakfast…. So… well…). And then there’s the rest…
Must remember instead of nabbing old cold croissants, to grab a TOMATO. Especially since here in the hostel they’re so fresh! Because they get used, and then more get bought.
I’d like a proper set of sharp knives for the kitchen, please. In fact, I’d like a properly equipped kitchen, and a pot washer.
Butternut squash and peanut butter soup, with a squeeze of lime… that sounds GOOD… with chopped coriander and natural yoghurt on top. OM NOM NOM! I can has blender?
Weddings are odd… the ACTUAL wedding didn’t happen here, however a LOT of drinking Pimms did.
“Feeling exhausted? Dark circles? Try this make up to put over it! With caffeine inside it!”. Really. REALLY. I don’t think that makeup will make you less exhausted. Some adverts are ridiculous.
Old saying “the devil himself was too scared to go to Cornwall, in case he ended up in a Cornish pasty” (does this mean that the Cornish will put ANYTHING in a pasty?). Apparently. River Cottage man is making pasties. They DO look good… and he put it in his pocket. “I can’t tell you how comforting it feels, digging, with a hot lunch in my pocket” (I reckon it should have got crushed by now, he was bending over a lot).
30. Your highs and lows of this month.
March was pretty daaamn good. My cousin Dan was down for a while, so we went off on a few little adventures, the sun re-appeared for the year (come on summer!), and I went on a miniature adventure to Lands End with Squidget. Saw a musical and an ice show, my birthday occurred and we sat on the beach at night with food, ale, good company, and musical stuff.
On the low, I suddenly noticed that I was soon to leave Falmouth for soon, being near the end of my degree and such. I failed to go to a couple of things – parties, the BTCV weekend away…
But the highs KILL the lows, as there’s so many more of them! Live with optimism! (occasionally easier said than done, but it’s worth a try!).
Wow… never seen so many well dressed people in one Youth Hostel. No… never seen well dressed people in a Youth Hostel!!!