I've been having rather strange and vivid (in a way that I remember much of it) dreams recently.
This one really was odd...
I and some others were sitting on a hill, it was covered in seats (like stadium seating) or stepped seating (like the Minnack outdoor theatre here in Cornwall)... we were eating Cornish Pasties, but they were painted in some black (edible) shiny sort of paint. Apparently it was traditional in that part of Cornwall. We then went to someones house, it was quite modern and had lots of stairs. I felt really awkward as it seemed that their mum did not want us there, so I found something to amuse myself. I found a hamster! I got it out of it's cage and cuddled it and played with it and carried it round, and was always thinking "wow, this is a really friendly hamster" - this is due to the fact that I am used to other peoples hamsters never being as friendly as the hamsters I've had (R.I.P. Wedgy, Moony, Lawry, and Scrumpy), perhaps this is because we never REALLY kept our hamsters in the cage... ANYWAY. I was still holding this hamster and walking up some stairs and thinking that when SUDDENLY it went all stiff, so I looked at it and it's eyes had gone all zombie-ish and pearly and scary and it looked horrible so I went "AHH!" and put it on the floor / dropped it / similar. It then ran about and tried to bite at my ankles a bit so I had to use the banister to lift myself on to avoid being bitten, and then ran into a room to find it's hamster ball to trap it but it seemed that the friend had LOADS of hamster balls, so I had trouble finding one with a matching lid, and then when I had found one and got to the hamster I could only fit it's head into the ball as it had turned to the size of a Jack Russel / Scottie dog! So it looked like it had a space helmet on!
Then I woke up.
Thats the second dream I've had recently about eyes going suddenly all scary and zombie-ish. I also had another hamster dream after that one, but the hamster didn't go crazy.
And another strange (but quite fun...) dream last night, but I shan't go into it.
Been fairly busy recently, last night was the 5th night in a row of drinking a little too much... the night before that my sister and I (who was down for 2 nights with me) had a bottle of white wine to share, and then went to The 'front with Dan & Lisa & Duncan & co. Night before that Elk (sister) and I also had a bottle of wine to share, and I had shanty practise & then open mic night at The 'front. And the night before THAT I had yummy yummy Dan-made pizza at Shanty house. And the night before THAT it was Dan & I's "6 months of eating face", so we went out for a yummalicious meal & drank another bottle of wine between us. So yes... lots of drinking.
Getting myself ready to my 1 day trip to London on Tuesday, perhaps... Falmouth Fish are playing Earls Court beer festival, you see... so we've got 2 x 6+ hours on a coach, and some hours singing, and lots of free alcomohol. I'm so sorry, liver... so, so sorry.
BUT YES! Last night! Fal Fish sung in the Chain Locker pub.... whilst being filmed... BY THE BBC.... with Oz Clarke and Hugh Dennis! I don't REALLY know who they are, but now I've been right in front of them I recognise them.
Oz liked Dan's face when Dan was singing. Refer back to the newspaper cut out of Fal Fish singing in one of my previous entries on hereeee.
Eh heh heh.
I am now left in the house on my own for a couple of weeks or so...
I shall attack it, clean it all thoroughly (it doesn't often get it) and I feel the need to decorate some parts of it... I have an URGE. It's got too tatty.
And I shall attempt to learn to play my bodhran better... I really do need to, I'm just a bit poop at learning (anyone want to teach me? I'll learn way faster!).
And a couple of commissions... still...
Ohhhh rainy rainy Cornwall.
This day exactly a year ago it wasn't rainy. My old friend Becca & I caught the bus to the Lizard, then bought a pasty, then walked to Kynance Cove - the sea was FULL of seaweed. Then sunbathed, then on the way back I found a rather poorly toad on the path, and a one legged cricket/grasshoppery thing.

Ming Makes (feckin' amazing droolalicious) Cupcakes.
Food Porn!
Beautiful beautiful printy stuff.
Thats all for now!
I think I'll give this thing a face-lift soon, have meant to for ages...
It's getting pretty crusty.
Over & out... FOR NOW.
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