Sunday, 25 July 2010

37. A-Z of excellent things.

The colours and textures of Autumn Leaves.
Silence except for the Buzzing of Bees & the chirping of Birds.
Curling up in front of fires, in patches of sunlight or shade, in a jumble of cushions...
Walking across Dewy grass in the early morning, before anyone else does.
Eating really yummy scrumy food, the sort which doesn't bloat you up crazily.
A little Fresh breeze on a hot summers day.
Successfully Growing plants.
The first Hot day of the year, preferably matched with the first sea swim of the year.
Islands, the less inhabited the better.
Jumping over streams, and up and down on trampolines.
Kissing. Except for the creepy / awkward sort.
Meeting new Lovely people and having a good Long chat.
Running about at full Moon.
Going to bed in Newly washed, crunchy bedding, after having washed myself.
Looking through Old photos of myself & my family, friends & adventures & such.
Searching for good Pebbles on the beach.
Quaint little old buildings, with so much potential. Not the creepy sort, though.
Re-discovering an old item of clothing.
Watching the Sea glitter and the Sky change. Sunsets and Sunrises.
Getting to the Top of a hill. Big or small.
Having a freshly washed stash of Underwear.
Finding Various small objects which work great as a secret stash of treasure.
Waking up bright and early, and being perfectly awake and alive.
X's at the end of cards / letters, when they really mean it.
Playing the Yellow car game (extended edition!) with the correct people, at the correct time.
Sleeping and bed, without being a total lazy-bum, Zzzzz...

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