Last night I had a dream, I can't remember much of it but people were graduating uni, and I was looking at their "mortar boards" and thinking that they were all strange shapes (well... the bit which holds onto their heads was strange... as in, taller / thinner etc than normal - the board bit was the same). I then found out that it was a tradition for everyone to make their own mortar boards, so of course people had made red and white checkered ones and everything!
Thats all I remember.
Here, have Alan Male. I drew him over a month ago now.

And whilst staring at Facebook, I noticed that one of the Norwegian's had got a LOVELY tattoo. I never really talked to her (maybe once of twice) but that doesn't matter.

Look at the eyeeees! Wow. It was done by Deno from Tattoo Magic in Madrid (but this was somewhere in Norway at a tattoo convention).
Vera showed me a BRILLIANT
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