The majority of my life in the past week has basically been sea shanties. Not that I'm complaining...
There was the Oyster festival last Saturday, then instead of practise at Jacob's on Monday we went on a freeeeee tour of the Skinners brewery in Truro. Although of course we were singing there, too... and then this Thursday & Friday we sung at the beer festival at Princess Pav's!
Nabbed a couple of photos from Oyster fest (shantying) and then brewery with the oh so gorgeous BETTY STOGS. Corrr, what a stunner.

I think we're doing a gig at Jacob's this coming Thursday, too... WITH A MICROPHONE.
It's good though. Plenty of free / way cheaper alcomohol. Om nom.
Shanty speak over?
YES. We've got our 3rd project now, 2 weeks long rather than 1... and once again I'm enjoying it. Cross dressers & all. We had to pick a short story from 5, mine is about a chap who loves trying on his wifes dress from when she was preggers, and then gets off on it... lovely.
Heres the finished thing from the project before this:
Current obsession is making my bedroom (and probably study, too) into a den. I'm rather liking these...
I cleverly managed to not record down the name for the one above.... and then this one below isn't exactly a den, but still...

My bedroom is in the process of being overrun by bunting & hanging stars.
For only you to see: have I already mentioned this? Fantasy pornish comic! Tres amusaunt.
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