Mmmmmmm new Wolfmother album. And we all thought that they'd split. Well, they had.
Start of a week & no project to do... except for the advertising thing, but how am I meant to do that without Silje & Ceri? I'M NOT. So I'll write this late blog. I was contemplating only updating this thing every 2 weeks, but thats a bit lazy, yes?
Just had the Halloween weekend, it was good enough - I probably had too high an expectation so when it wasn't top notch it wasn't quite so groovy as I had expected. Also, gaffa tape is reeeally warm & cozy (& sweaty) until you stay still, & the sweat goes cold. Brrr. BONDAGE DEER YEEEEAH. Here, have a photo. I don't know what that face of me is meant to be. Sambuca mixing with cider face, perhaps. Blergh, chubalicious.
And soon bonfire night. Been invited to a thing at the Shanty house (Dan, Lisa, Molly & Tim). Was thinking of going to Gyll beach, but now theres an invite... it'll be good. Woop for the shantiers. Speaking of which, tonight we're off round there to record songs for our first shanty album! Apparently it's only gonna be 3 tracks long (so it's a bit more like a fat single, shame it's not 5 tracks) but still, x-mas present for the family sorts?
Been thinking of presenty business for Silje's lot, since I'll be there for x-mas. It seems that a lot of chocolate is needed (but how can English chocolate even TRY to go against Norwegian chocolate...? Especially since I've now found out that Coca-Cola own Cadburys?! WHAT IS THIS MADNESS! I need to investigate how much they own them... if it's too much, then no more Freddo Frogs pour moi :(
Just had the crit for the last 2 weeks project (narrative). Mine was on the short story about a man who gets off wearing his wife's pregnancy dress "Dressing Up". Here's the 2 final pieces.
Start of a week & no project to do... except for the advertising thing, but how am I meant to do that without Silje & Ceri? I'M NOT. So I'll write this late blog. I was contemplating only updating this thing every 2 weeks, but thats a bit lazy, yes?
Just had the Halloween weekend, it was good enough - I probably had too high an expectation so when it wasn't top notch it wasn't quite so groovy as I had expected. Also, gaffa tape is reeeally warm & cozy (& sweaty) until you stay still, & the sweat goes cold. Brrr. BONDAGE DEER YEEEEAH. Here, have a photo. I don't know what that face of me is meant to be. Sambuca mixing with cider face, perhaps. Blergh, chubalicious.
And soon bonfire night. Been invited to a thing at the Shanty house (Dan, Lisa, Molly & Tim). Was thinking of going to Gyll beach, but now theres an invite... it'll be good. Woop for the shantiers. Speaking of which, tonight we're off round there to record songs for our first shanty album! Apparently it's only gonna be 3 tracks long (so it's a bit more like a fat single, shame it's not 5 tracks) but still, x-mas present for the family sorts?
Been thinking of presenty business for Silje's lot, since I'll be there for x-mas. It seems that a lot of chocolate is needed (but how can English chocolate even TRY to go against Norwegian chocolate...? Especially since I've now found out that Coca-Cola own Cadburys?! WHAT IS THIS MADNESS! I need to investigate how much they own them... if it's too much, then no more Freddo Frogs pour moi :(
Just had the crit for the last 2 weeks project (narrative). Mine was on the short story about a man who gets off wearing his wife's pregnancy dress "Dressing Up". Here's the 2 final pieces.

That one is meant to be a bit of a past memory, hence the big fat camera plonked down in the front. And then...

Ohh, made some scrummy scones the other day for Squelchy & I, had some bacon to use up so bacon, spring onion & parmesan cheese scones. Om nom nom.
I want to make some gingerbread, and I wish we had managed to get a pumpkin 'coz then I could have made pumpkin & carrot soup. SLURP.
Woodlane is pretty at the moment (when it's not raining).
Anything else...? Haven't found any more linkages for you, so I'll skip off and read web comicy business now. OGLAF! SCARYGOROUND! QUESTIONABLECONTENT! Yeeeeah.
Update tomorrow maybe? Ha, fat chance.
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