Sunday, 25 October 2009

Twenty threeeeeeeee

The majority of my life in the past week has basically been sea shanties. Not that I'm complaining...
There was the Oyster festival last Saturday, then instead of practise at Jacob's on Monday we went on a freeeeee tour of the Skinners brewery in Truro. Although of course we were singing there, too... and then this Thursday & Friday we sung at the beer festival at Princess Pav's!
Nabbed a couple of photos from Oyster fest (shantying) and then brewery with the oh so gorgeous BETTY STOGS. Corrr, what a stunner.

I think we're doing a gig at Jacob's this coming Thursday, too... WITH A MICROPHONE.
It's good though. Plenty of free / way cheaper alcomohol. Om nom.
Shanty speak over?

YES. We've got our 3rd project now, 2 weeks long rather than 1... and once again I'm enjoying it. Cross dressers & all. We had to pick a short story from 5, mine is about a chap who loves trying on his wifes dress from when she was preggers, and then gets off on it... lovely.
Heres the finished thing from the project before this:
Current obsession is making my bedroom (and probably study, too) into a den. I'm rather liking these...

I cleverly managed to not record down the name for the one above.... and then this one below isn't exactly a den, but still...
An installation by Ryan de la hoz.
My bedroom is in the process of being overrun by bunting & hanging stars.

For only you to see: have I already mentioned this? Fantasy pornish comic! Tres amusaunt.

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

2 and 2 I need a poo

...must resist urge to mention that this post is almost on time...

I'm currently waiting for my supper to cook. Making a scrummy yummy cauliflower brocoli & pasta cheese. Oven. Mmmm (with nutmeg in the cheese sauce, it's the way forwards).
I only left uni at about 7:50pm today! Holy crap!

Anyone fancy being a WONDERFUL LOVELY AMAZING PERSON and buying me this...?
£35 worth of Harris tweed off-cuts... am well aware that there are indeed other (probably cheaper) tweeds out there, but since watching that mini BBC series I've just wanted Harris Harris Harris...
Last night Silje & I watched the new SIR David Attenborough thing called "Life". We were only a little depressed that you don't see the glorious man himself, but you DO get his voice the entire way through.

Ouch, I just burnt my tongue on afore mentioned cheesy pasta veg foodage. Om nom. It was good. And now all gone.
RIGHT. What useful stuff can I write about this week.
Not much, coz I want to catch up on Ugly Betty.
But here, have these:

2 little double pages in my sketchbook from today, on my current illustration project (another week long one). They were originally just doodles, but I really like them now! Prefer the one with the big red dot to the other (big red dot means something, it's not JUST THERE... it's about changing / adjusting / removing part of someones memory or a part of a particular memory). Just chopped up a photo from my Canada trip & doodled those silly fashionable triangle shapes all over it...

Got my first gig with the Sea Shantiers on Saturday. EEEEEEEEEKKKK! GOT TO LEARN THE LYRICS. Got a shirt from them though, wheee! How exciting. Shall parade it round at home at x-mas. Thats ages away, but pffft.

OH, here's my final pieces for the week long project (warm up project) from last week. With my base as "cigars / cigarettes".

Hmmm, yes. I definately DEFINATELY prefer the final outcome of the elk one, that ones about fighting addiction where as the lung smoking one is about "sucking the life out of lungs" (like a juice box!). The layout is a bit poo, and to be honest I got a bit lost and a little stressed with it.
Definately a warm up project... speaking of warm, I have my waterbottle in bed with me. It's got cold enough in this room!!

Anyhoo, Ugly Betty time.

P.S. Dearest anyone who actually ever reads this (again, I presume this number is minimal). If you ever find / know a way to stay AWAKE in lectures etc, please tell me. I'd be extremely grateful. I fall asleep when people talk to me, even if I've had plenty of sleep.

Saturday, 3 October 2009


RIGHT, I shall write blog update whilst I wait for paint to dry.
This week, I have not done much. OH I LIE, we held our Circus / Freakshow party! I think it was a success, in the way that I enjoyed it. I was frog girl, of course.

Best photo I took (I didn't take many). All I can see is Vrarr's boobs & a slightly dead looking Will? Heh heh.
What else happened in the past week.... I finished my own personal Harris tweed & fluffy leopard material purse (the fluff makes it a little too bulky for my liking, so I don't think I'll keep that sort for Babahogs). Look! It fits cards and coins and everything! And is pretty much reversible! On the inside I stitched in the felty yellow letters "Cap'n Bex". Just incase I forget.
And I started back at uni (2nd year! Whoooo!) on Monday. Already got a project, iconography doo daa's on randomly picked items - I managed to pick cigarettes / cigars. Doing quite nicely though I feel, I hope. Eeek. It's pretty much just a warm up project, ends on Friday afternoon.
In class I forgot about THAT accent. Ohhh accent / bad English. Tiz good to be back. HELLO DAY STRUCTURE. Though now I can't do things such as play Sims / make stuff which isn't for uni, etc, without guilt. Bugger.
Sea shanty practise on Monday went quite nicely I feel, got a bit freaked out at one point when some people were saying that to stay as part of the official group each member should have to have to sing at least 1 song solo. OH DEAR GOD! I've always been told that I can't sing (apparently I can) and have never done a solo, and would BRICK myself if I had to, but luckily an opposing side appeared and sort of said that maybe everyone wouldn't have to, some people aren't that mad yet. Phew. Then went out drinking with some of them, found out that Molly reminds me of a more boisterous and folky Jenny. She's lovely though, laaaaverly! Lots of them are. I think the night ended up with a conversation with Zef with Vera and Silje talking about Moomins. Good times.

Tomorrow I may be going to another little Tristan Omeara gig (Q-bar) so I shall take a big waterbutt to drool into. Yes please...
Speaking of gigs, with the shanty group we have quite a few gigs lined up this month! (Well, I say quite a few...) one is apparently in front of 3,000 people at a beer / ale fest. EEEEK! I'll have to start learning me some lyrics better. Also with shantying, we're going on a free Skinners brewery tour soon. How exciting! Shame I don't like beer / ale...

Finally made Silje (and I) the 3 course meal the other day. INCLUDING THE BUTTERSCOTCH TART! It wasn't like how I remembered from Wray Common, but alas, that shall be a ghost from the past. This is very sweet. VERY. And I'm not sure if I whisked it enough (the electric whisk seemed to be overheating). <- dirty comic. Well worth a read and a titter. Har har. Ohhhhhh.... alas. Noice noice noice. <- oh golly. Heart attack hello. However, I am not fat because of those since I don't really eat those ever...

Not much else to show, really...

Thursday, 1 October 2009


I really, really, REALLY want butterscotch tart.
REEEEALLY. Old primary school style, with the weird whipped cream on top. Oh please, someone make me some.
That is the most old-school style I can find, though we didn't get crushed stuff on top.
Butterscotch tart served off of Tristan Omeara. Mehehehehe. He likes milk. This could just turn into a big drool ramble...

Our house party tomorrow, freakshow / circus style. I'll look a bit like a fakir frog girl?! Depends on if I do the whole weird turban business. Yay for painting my webbied feeties greeeeen.
Noooo idea how it'll go - I wonder if a) people will actually turn up, and b) will people dress up?
And what sort of party will it be? I rather like the sound of a chilled out do with nice music & happy alcohol'd up throats & good conversation. And some butterscotch tart.

Back to the thought of butterscotch tart... it says I have to "whisk the sugar and condensed milk together until thick and pale". I don't think I have QUITE enough patience to do this by hand, since I get bored whisking up even Angel Delight. Mmmm, butterscotch Angel Delight... good times. What machine would I use to whisk it not by hand? What is there in the electric cupboard... apparently we have one. Or sort of one. YAY. How very exciting. I shall need some baking beeeeans too.
Hmm, chocolate milkshake will have to feed my butterscotch want for the time being. Alas.

Hmmm, Sunday I shall be making a 3 course meal for Squidgy (and I) since I had a bet on with her. She didn't smoke for a week, so now I make food. What to make? Perhaps:
Some sort of white fish (whatever looks best at Fally fishmongers?! Actually I should probably find a nice flavoursome one... lets ask the mother. If she EVER replies to me on MSN. Coooome on.
Right, sea bass with asparagus & a lightly peppered white sauce.
Chicken breast stuffed with choritzo & rosemary, roasted.
New potatoes with melted butter and chives? Maybe? Possibly not...
Salt & pepper quick roasted tomatoes (in half)
Salad (iceberg/spinach/basil) with lemony vinegary olive oil dressing.
The butterscotch tart of ultimate win win win. I hope.

Right, off to bed.
Silje's bed, coz it's double and my room is FREEZING today it seems. Brrrr.

This was a bit of a poo update.