Tuesday, 25 August 2009


Though I'm currently being distracted by Hitler.
Highly exciting man, but a very mean and nasty man of course. His mother was his fathers niece! Incest, much?
SILJE AND VERA ARE BACK YAY. We just ate Dominoes (2 for Tuesday deal, buy 1 get 1 free... always good for smelly students like myself). With Jack Daniels BBQ sauce. Om nom nom.
Vera is mean. She's telling me to write my blog instead of watch Hitler :(

Yeah, today Elk (the sister) left (she stayed for 3 nights). We got up to nice lots of stuff such as dancing in Q-bar TWICE (it was much nicer than usual as it wasn't crowded to death) and listening to sea shantys in Jacob's Ladder (Silje, Vera & I are gonna go join them singing next monday... eek! We spat swore...) and dancing with slightly pervy old men in The 'front (again). And walking round Pendennis Head. Yeeeah. (Below = view from the path on the way to Jacob's Ladder).
Tomorrow we're going blackberry picking, since theres quite a few in the hedgerows. Especially round Swanpool / the graveyard there, and Pendennis Head. YUMMY! I sense blackberry and apple crumble with oaty topping! Mmm.
For S&V's return, I had a baking frenzy. Marmalade muffins with creamcheese icing, cheese and poppy seed scones, spiced shortbread with lemon drizzle icing, and cappucino shortbread topped with white chocolate and a little walnut piece. Yummy.

In my making and baking spree, I also attacked the red wall in the living room (to be painted, possibly a darkish sea green colour?) with some off-white antlers. Three lots of them (the ones in the middle are moose) and above the 3 seater sofa so if you sit correctly, everyone has antlers! Hurrah. When we paint it, I'm gonna re-stencil them back on... but in a straighter line.

Something I found this week was this photo on Facebook:
I really love how the makeup has been sprayed on over lace, and the bells and the colours... mmmm. The annoying bit, is that I didn't save the name or ANYTHING, so I can't tell you where I found it (except for Deviantart). If anyone (if anyone ever reads this) can tell me who, I will like it a lot.

END. I can't be bummed to write more.
The washing up is turning into a mountain.

Tuesday, 18 August 2009


Updating on a Tuesday again for once, blimey. I must be ill. Infact I AM ill! Hurrah! Yuck.
Yesturday I slowly got a sore throat, and felt tired, and had chills... so "uh oh" I thought, I really buggering hope it's not swiiiiineeee fluuuuuuu! So I threw a couple of paracetamol back (to try catch anything lurking) and flopped in my bed watching computer TV for a while.
Woke up this morning, yuck. Ouchy throat. When I usually get this I drink mugs of hot (but cooled down enough so I can drink it, hot stuff really does nothing for me) water mixed with a decent big blob of honey, and a large gathering of oats at the bottom. Time for throat inspection. EEEURGH! It's all swollen and red with white and YELLOW?! bits! So I took a photo and then ignored the fact that I was being imprisoned to my house to wait for a parcel (which still hasn't come) and skipped off to Tescos. It felt like freedom. Gracefully interrupted a Tescos man whilst he was busy counting a large number of things (I hope he forgot the number) and he tells me that they're totally out of paracetamol. Also, the only Strepsils they have are the big pack of "throat AND nose" ones. My nose is not blocked, thank you, but they'll do the job. Buy buy buyyyy, and some half price B&J Phish Food.... GO GO GO! Back to the imprisonment of your house. No parcel.
But yes. So I'm a bit ill. But not drasticly, and no high temperature. Phew.
Heres a picture of my throat (very attractive, yes? Look riiiight to the back. "AHHHH"):

Moving away from why I'm grumpy because of being ill...
I am also currently sulking. Sulking in a big deep green bubbling pool of JEALOUSY. Blimmin' youngest / younger siblings.
She got a brand new £100 phone, a £900 sailing trip with Tall Ships in the Baltic sea, and now she's on a boat for a week sailing with my mum. Hang on, wasn't I promised to go sailing this week, with mum? I vividly remember all the way back in June, mum offering me the place and me accepting... I GUESS IT WAS ALL JUST A DREAM. Or not.
This week since God & Pamela left, I have been sitting on my arse being bored shitless and trying to get on with summer work. RANT RAVE RANT RAVE. I COULD HAVE BEEN SAILING! ON A YAUGHT! ALONG THE CORNISH COAST!!
I 'spose mum bought me a plastic mop bucket from Trago's though. That makes it fair and equal, right?
Rant moan groan grumble.

OOOONNNN a happier note, before I start sounding like a rambling angsty online journal of a 15 year old, SILJE AND VERA ARE BACK ON FRIDAYYY! Did I already mention that in a previous post? I DON'T CARE! 2 MORE FULL DAYS OF DOING SHIT ALL ON MY OWN AND THEN FRIDAY THEY WILL BE HEREEEEE!
And then Elk and mum with swing into Falmouth, from their lovely sailing trip and I'll get Elk drunk for 3 nights or something BUT SHUT UP WHINGING BEX! SILJE AND VERA! YAY!
I made Silje (http://www.sil-yeah.blogspot.com/) some killer cat feet, coz I found my black furry material and I remembered her cat hat with ears and she sent me lots of yummy sour sweeties from Dropsen in Norway... om nom nom.I THINK (and hope) they're about size 5, but the little clay skull on the side is actually disguising a pin to adjust the size on the side. For the sole I inversed the material, so the fur was on the inside and on the bottom I made grippy (rubbery material paint) pink paddy paws and a silver dagger on each foot. The white claws are tastefully painted with nailvarnish, which looks nicely like blood. I've never made shoes before... and all sewn / made by hand! Hurrah!
I have indeed been on an artsy spree, mostly, anyway... vaguely avoiding my summer project, which is annoying coz I WANT to do it but I don't seem to be able to.
Instead I made the above slippers, and then finished my 3 [4 inch] pieces (but I'm going to print them out nicely). They all fit together in an upside down L shape.Minotaur...Kelpie...Faun! Hurrah! The originals now sit all stuck up on my wall of works. Most of which I don't actually much like anymore... but they can live there until I find something to replace.

Today I also did a quick little painting illustration for a short story called Eleanora which Loz wrote. I like the story, and I think I'm going to do more small pictures for it. Nothing pure amazing, just gouache on brown paper and then thrown at Photoshop for colour adjustments. I made it up as I went along.
A link to the story.

Goodnight, you smellbags, I'm off with my computer to bed. With lots of water.

Friday, 14 August 2009


More friends just left... goodbye till X-mas you lot...
Luckily this time the weather was good when they were here (or at least, I got a little darker skinned yesturday) and now it's gone crap.
At the moment it's Falmouth Festival week, I think tonight is the last night as I have been informed that there are fireworks. I shall sit on my windowsill and watch them, should be a good enough view of the harbour from here.
The monday just gone was great. I took my visiting friend Rachel to my favouritest pub (Jacob's Ladder) just to show her where it was, and to force her to climb the 111 steps there. Wasn't expecting it to be busy, it was after all a monday and not term time... sat out in the patio and drunk our Old Rosie and such. There was a group of youngish folk (ok, 20ish) there, they had only formed a little while back and were singing sea shantys. Got talking a little with them, and may have said they could sing it all at my house any day! Ah ha ha. It'd be great, though. I thought they were wonderful. Got a number for them, as well... it could work...
From there we followed the sea shanty lot (apparently they practise at the Ladder every monday now) and went to The 'front. It seems everyone practises things on mondays, this monday there was a group of folky fishermen sorts and a little gathering of people playing small drums and fiddles and such. AND FOLK DANCING! Rachel and I got pulled into it all, so much fun, especially on top of the sea shantys at Ladder. Then we went paddling down the quay steps into the harbour. And walked home barefoot. Delicious.

I've heard that the print rooms at uni are open over the summer, which is quite highly exciting since it's a fun place to play. What I REALLY need though is to use their actual computer printer things... need to print off my [4 inch] pieces (done by hand, scanned, tweaked). Ok they are due in for October, but I'd rather like to do them now please. Going to the proper printing shop does not quite do the trick, for me.

Come on Topshop order... arrive please... I would like my red dress.
Too much money being spent, Rebecca!!!
I want these, too:
Howeverm I do not think that I have a good enough reason to spend that much on leggings... however funkehh they are.

More stuff I like... http://listimpone.blogspot.com/
Yum yum, lots of little black lined patterns and beasty beasts.

Animals on wallpaper. Nice.
The ones I like theeee best are deer 1, duck 1, ostrich, sheep, sloth 1.... y'know, it's actually too hard to choose. Theres so many great ones!!
Silje & Vera are back in a week. YAAAAYYYY! Extremely very highly amazingly exciting. It has been TOO long.

Thursday, 6 August 2009


A few days late, as now seems traditional.
I'm back in Fally now, Becca left yesturday after staying here for a week.
And of course, the weather got better the day she left. Tsh!
I really don't have much to say, work wise I'm slowly slowly SLOWLY plodding on with the summer sketchbook (started to label what I'm gonna throw at each page, since a large chunk of stuff I'm actually doing seems to be from photos... whoops) but also trying to do more sketches.
Silje told me of the new Babahogs [4 inch] thing (for a bit before x-mas) so I had an urge to start that this evening. Already started the sketch of the 3rd! Whee! Perhaps I'll actually get these ones in due to the fact I'm lacking in distractions.
Anything else...? It seems that I have forgotten how to play with Photoshop, since I haven't touched it since the Macbeth project. Bah.
Today I talked to Jeremy's mum for a while, apparently she works in his antiques shop too. As does his sister.
Blergh, I want to get on with sketching. Go away blog.