Admittedly it was only REALLY busy until they left... and I've been sitting on my arse doing pretty much sod all since them (I'm in mourning, it's crazy how much you miss the people you spend all your time with).
Anyhoo, I have another busy time coming up as tomorrow my bestiest friendio is coming down from Reigate (actually she's from Redhill........) and then right when she's here my mum and her friend Bendy and my sister are coming down, then Imy (thats the friend) is leaving, then I'm back home for about a week, then coming back here with oldest best friend from back home Becca, then... then it dies off a little, but theres still people visiting like Rachel and Iain and maybe Racheyboiii tooooo...?
But enough of this drivvel.
I shall leave anyone who looks at this with a link to a chap who sings excellent happy little songs.
His name is Tom Milsom, I went to 6th form college with him (thats 16-18 year olds... a smelly lot). He became famous when he entered battle of the bands..... theres all those "bands" going "YEEEEAH WE'RE AWESOME, ROCK ON!" and then this tiny little chap (thats Tom) comes along, on his own, with a ukelele (had to look up how to spell that word) and then he sings. And plays. Brilliantly. At the same time... ABOUT NEVER WANTING TO EAT A LOBSTER.
Of course he won Battle of the Bands that year.
So yes, go watch and enjoy, he's a generally fun person who I never REALLY spoke to much if at all (I didn't talk to many people, as I was and probably still am an anti-social sod).
On second thoughts, here, have some images too...

The rest are up on my rather drastic Deviantart page...
Ignore the name, please, it is a fair few years old...
And that is Faye, or at least her lower half, on the day we moved in here. I found a hole beneath the carpet (just foundations and pipes and dust) and then Faye dropped her phone down it. At least the floor got it's lunch.
Little biscuits I made today. Just some crispy spiced things with a vaguely lemony sugar icing. Quite addictive. For when the others get back I'm gonna make a whole tin (of some size) of various om nom nommy biscuits and such. Chocolate, coconut, nutty, lemony, spiced... savoury too? They can live in another box... (marmite & chocolate... not sure if that would mix in the nostrils too well).
And here is a photograph from a photographer. Akasha Rabut, pretty sure thats female... some of her stuff I'm not so fussed about, but this series I really rather enjoyed. Plus I'm envious of that ponchoish thing...
Anyway. Nunnite! I'm off to read a book.
P.S. When Faye was still here (before she went back to Ireland) we had to let a baby seagull out of the garden. I now wish I'd caught it and eaten it because it's so annoying, quite a biggun... but unable to fly properly yet, and it has been squeaking and squarking a little distance from the house for DAYS now. ALL THE TIME. Wakes me up at 7am. I saw an older bird regurgitate a chip for it yesturday.... lovely...
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