Currently sat in reception at the hostel, using up the internet on my Sunday evening... I'm surrounded by blokes in shirt & bow tie, and girls in dresses & heels. I think they're a rather posh orchestra sort of group since I heard music earlier.
Today the weather is that heavy sweaty grey sort, dotted with small rainish showers... the sort of weather which makes you feel as if you have a very cotton wool filled hangover. Yesturday was much nice!
Drove to Boswinger & then down the hill to Hemmick beach where we wriggled into a parking space before staring at the sea and going "I WANT TO JUMP IN...". The weather was host & sunny, see. We (Mr Arnold & I) then proceded to stomp up the coast path towards Dodman point (big stone cross... although I swear it was FAR bigger all those years ago when my family (Scruffy the bear included) walked & whinged our ways up there * to eat a Cornish Pasty lunch and sang a Scruffy bear song "I'm a Scruffy bear and I don't care, I look up peoples underwear!").
After a lunch of, guess what... white French bread with salted butter, some sliced pork, orange juice with juicy bits, and mini cheesecakes (passion fruit!) from reduced price jackpot. Wandered about on top of the hill for a while, watched the sea, spied on some shags / cormorants on a rock, and listened to a conversation between a young girl and her aunt "Aunt, I think I'm going to fart". Who on earth announces that?! Just fart! Nothing can go wrong! Much...
Deciding to go back to Hemmick beach rather than to go any further, I happily noticed that the underwear I was wearing was covering and decent enough to leap in the sea in, and did so. The sea is good. I floated about on my back for a while as it was mostly calm, staring at the blue cloud spotted sky, and feeling warm early evening sunshine on my face. Yes yes yes.
Today as I said before, the weather has not been so great. I did however manage to sit outside on the grass with Duncan for lunch (he made some speedy mackerel pate stuff which we spread on some of his homemade bread with some fancy butter we got from the kitchen. Etc etc. And some jalapaeno peppers. Mmm.
On the mention of food, I'm hungry.
Hmm, I reckon that's everything. The rest of the week has been relatively un-eventful, and I haven't any work to show you.
Au revouir!
*Around this point my manager Paul handed a bunch of white grapes to me, they come from the glass house which we're not allowed in due to the fact that a) the roof is collapsing, and b) it's highly dirty floored due to a drain exploding around new years time. One grape is about to drip mouldy liquid however, and a woodlouse just crawled off of them...
How good does this place look?? Oh to have a hostel like that! I wonder what can be arranged with Perranporth Phil...
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