A blog!
What has even happened this past week?!
The joyous Dutch couple left, but not before we sat down and had a good natter and Joseph was super duper amazed by Google Earth - I let him know it was free and downloadable, and he was excited. We looked up their house in Holland & their second house in France. He then went to bed & I continued to talk to Petra (finally found out her name!). She comissioned me (in the "free" sort of way) to create a homework based picture for her - I'll create 3. Here's the first two:

Before she left we made sure to do lots more gardening together, during which I found a small toad (a year or 2 old), and picked plenty of blackberries (LOADS here! And really early! I hope the blackberry GLUT (new word I learnt!) continues, and there isn't soon to be a DEARTH (other new word!).
I shall make some more blackberry & cinnamon job (almost out from last year! Oh no!) and they won't even be picked in a graveyard, so no accidental cannibalism will occur this time.
Another lovely guest was a girl/woman/lady called Charlotte, she works in a screen printing company in Sweden, and was impressed by my upside down map drawing & writing skills. I have since drawn up a proper map on how to walk from here to Fowey, because so many folks ask.
Charlotte gave us chocolates when she left. It's such a shame the current guests aren't as nice! Although we have had an amusing & friendly German family arrive today, one of his first words was "scheisse"; this goes down well in my book.
On my "Saturday" (Monday) Rachel & I ventured into St Austell to go see the new Harry Potter film (finally!). Getting a little misplaced on the way there, and having to pull up on double yellows so that Rachel could CHUNDER, we finally arrived and did a snippet of shopping before the film (I found a 100% pure wool jumper for £4 in a charity shop - navy blue with bigger than a tennis ball white daisy flowers on it with yellow middles. It's really itchy, and some people would say it's really ugly (it is a bit) but I do rather like it! Though I hope the itchiness dies down. It shall be VERY cozy in the winter when I'm being a dirty hippy - of course I also have my Icelandic knitted jumper which my mum made me, but that isn't so tight knit. I also got me some shampoo/conditioner/shower gel from the St Austell branch of the Natural Store (love that shop), and have decided I want to buy some carob to make some weird & wacky food. Can't wait to opt out! Roll on not eating YHA food all the time!
Tuesday was a relatively lazy day, had a lie in and then adventured off to St Anthonys head (nr Falmouth / St Mawes etc). Had a stylish lunch of poppy seed fresh bread with salted butter & ox tongue / cream cheese & smoked salmon (reduced price jackpot!!!), with orange juice with juicy bits. Climbed a pole, got a tad worried about a cow and her three calves in the middle of the footpath (just incase she got moody about people being too close to her babies), and enjoyed the sunshine. The sun shone, but there was a bit of a breeze... so in the end didn't jump in the sea. I NEED to jump in the sea more. I miss it.
I'm afraid I don't have much else to report on, apart from The Artworks Agency in London telling me that they don't want me (keep trying somewhere else, I suppose!), and a gallery in Plymouth saying that they DO want me! (I didn't even ask! Thats good).
I found that chickens love blackberries, and that I definately can't cook scallops as well as they do in restaurants (not a big surprise).
I decided I want to buy a hammock to string up between the 5 big evergreens in our gardens, it is so nice and cool under those trees in the hot hot heat (today is grey & chilly).
Here is a sketch I did, for Mooncup (yes... if you know what it is already, hurrah! If you don't... it's worth finding out - more so if you're female ;) !!!).

This looks tasty tasty, for easy good snackage when pudding is the thought!
Should I buy this camera? And the sexy brown leather case for it?
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