Tuesday, 23 August 2011

95. How will I survive

Currently sat in reception at the hostel, using up the internet on my Sunday evening... I'm surrounded by blokes in shirt & bow tie, and girls in dresses & heels. I think they're a rather posh orchestra sort of group since I heard music earlier.
Today the weather is that heavy sweaty grey sort, dotted with small rainish showers... the sort of weather which makes you feel as if you have a very cotton wool filled hangover. Yesturday was much nice!

Drove to Boswinger & then down the hill to Hemmick beach where we wriggled into a parking space before staring at the sea and going "I WANT TO JUMP IN...". The weather was host & sunny, see. We (Mr Arnold & I) then proceded to stomp up the coast path towards Dodman point (big stone cross... although I swear it was FAR bigger all those years ago when my family (Scruffy the bear included) walked & whinged our ways up there * to eat a Cornish Pasty lunch and sang a Scruffy bear song "I'm a Scruffy bear and I don't care, I look up peoples underwear!").
After a lunch of, guess what... white French bread with salted butter, some sliced pork, orange juice with juicy bits, and mini cheesecakes (passion fruit!) from reduced price jackpot. Wandered about on top of the hill for a while, watched the sea, spied on some shags / cormorants on a rock, and listened to a conversation between a young girl and her aunt "Aunt, I think I'm going to fart". Who on earth announces that?! Just fart! Nothing can go wrong! Much...
Deciding to go back to Hemmick beach rather than to go any further, I happily noticed that the underwear I was wearing was covering and decent enough to leap in the sea in, and did so. The sea is good. I floated about on my back for a while as it was mostly calm, staring at the blue cloud spotted sky, and feeling warm early evening sunshine on my face. Yes yes yes.

Today as I said before, the weather has not been so great. I did however manage to sit outside on the grass with Duncan for lunch (he made some speedy mackerel pate stuff which we spread on some of his homemade bread with some fancy butter we got from the kitchen. Etc etc. And some jalapaeno peppers. Mmm.
On the mention of food, I'm hungry.

Hmm, I reckon that's everything. The rest of the week has been relatively un-eventful, and I haven't any work to show you.

Au revouir!

*Around this point my manager Paul handed a bunch of white grapes to me, they come from the glass house which we're not allowed in due to the fact that a) the roof is collapsing, and b) it's highly dirty floored due to a drain exploding around new years time. One grape is about to drip mouldy liquid however, and a woodlouse just crawled off of them...

How good does this place look?? Oh to have a hostel like that! I wonder what can be arranged with Perranporth Phil...

Becca Stadtlander did this. Noice!

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

94. Punched through the door

This was all written Tuesday.

Mmm… egg custard tart from the reduced price jackpot (4 in total, all for me since Miss Lisa Harrison thinks they’re minging!). Currently sat at “Lisa’s end” of the forge, even though she now uses “Dan’s end” since he’s no longer here (though I’m using his anvil as a foot rest). It’s all silent apart from the sounds of birds (buzzards), a stream, Lisa’s music from the big shed, and Lisa sanding wood. This is all written on paper, I’ll type it up later (obviously I’ve now typed it up!). The forge is strewn with various off cuts of wood and metal, and at one end there is a part (almost) finished traditionally made iron gate (no dodgy looking welds! No angle grinding!) with curls and all. This end (the jewellery making end), there are a couple of brambles which have squeezed in through a gap in the window. The rest of the egg custard tarts are looking at me (as are four little baby tiny anvils – they just want to be cuddled!). I have come here for the day to draw* and then later on I shall drive back “north” to Golant YHA to natter to Duncan (he got the job in the end instead of Carl).
The weather is mostly grey with the odd peeking patch of blue sky, when I woke up (in my van! In Lisa’s field!) it was lovely to open up the back doors and lie in bed with the fresh air and soggy mist coming in. Last night we sat in Lisa’s caravan & made beef stew into which went green beans, multiple fresh herbs, red and yellow chard – all from the Golant garden. Mmm… (not the beef of course, though there ARE some noisy cows close by…). Had a good natter, admittedly mostly myself talking about work as it’s playing big on my mind right now. Poor Lisa! Having to hear about all that. She has decided that I shouldn’t be working for the YHA, but instead on a farm.

I reckon Miss Harrison is correct – I love the thought of being something to do with the YHA, but is this just because it’s what I’m used to? It’s what I already know? Because the pay and accommodation is good? Money doesn’t necessarily equal happiness…
I like what hostels used to be, not these new fangled “hotel” hostels. I like hostels where you can only check in at 5pm earliest, and supper was 2 choices – veggie or non veggie. I like hostels where you have to be gone (even if you’re staying for another night or two) by 10am – having guests about all day is really getting to me, especially when those guests are expecting to check in at 11:30am before we’ve even had a chance to clean the rooms (I swear not even hotels allow guests to do this!). I like it when guests clean up after themselves, if you’re asked to remove your used linen from the beds before you leave and deposit it in the baskets at the bottom of the stairs, do so! It’s not so hard! Leave your rooms as you found them, check behind beds for your copious amounts of rubbish and dirty pants! And do NOT, if you’re camping, drive across and park your car on the lawn right next to your tent… your vehicle really will be ok 10-20 metres away in the proper car park. Ok so it’s a tad extreme to say that I’d like to go as far back into YHA history (beyond my years) and say that cars shouldn’t be anywhere near hostels, but I do agree with the old rule that guests are not allowed in the hostel between 10am & 5pm… I DO remember those days, and they make sense. Why stay milling about the house when you can go out and see places, do things? If you’ve arrived before 5pm and it starts to rain, then hide in the outdoors toilet. It’s a roof. Guests should stop being so slobbish and pay more respect to the hostel (and it’s staff!!)… being on holiday does not mean that you have to act like a delinquent monkey.
Yes, we are hosting people so there should be some good level of hygiene and cleanliness throughout the hostel, but the current health and safety laws really do take the piss a bit too much. We live in a time where we’re constantly terrified that the H&S man (or woman) may do a surprise visit and find, god forbid, a rogue chopped mushroom under the shiny stainless steel kitchen counter! Oh no!

Sorry about this rant, but it really has been bugging me. As I said, I want to be part of the YHA – the old YHA… this current one perhaps isn’t for me. But oh well, just 10 or so more weeks at Golant before I get to be a dirty hippy for a few months, then maybe next year I’ll get to work at Coverack for the summer (nicer location on the Lizard, overlooking the sea, smaller hostel too… no longer wish to work at Treyarnon Bay as they now have an “open all day” café which has resulted in way too much work and added stress which lead to two members of staff leaving recently. I’m not meant to know that yet though).
Wow, I’m writing a lot. I’m writing it in one of my old first year “colour and composition” sketchbooks, the work in it is AWFUL. And the gouache… so thick and lumpy. Blegh!

Earlier Lisa said that we should put our savings together and buy a patch of land to live on and have a small farm on. Who knows if she meant it or not, but wouldn’t that be nice…

The music she’s listening to is possibly Romanian gypsy music, delightful! It’s funny how tastes change… if the me of 5-7 years ago could see my current self they’d likely think I was a RIGHT WEIRDO. World/folk music would be replaced by rock / metal music (of course old habits die hard and I still enjoy listening to Planet Rock & a good old bit of Ozzy!). Why am I wearing scroggy brown boots with leather laces when I could be wearing black ones with red laces? My jumper is A) brown, and B) knitted by my mum (both of these things would have made me PROPER “SAD”), and my trousers are super saggy in the crotch and in at the ankle instead of flaring out and dragging along the in the dirt behind me for non-literal metres.

Teenagers are REALLY WEIRD.

This coming week I need to remember to pay more attention to the plants in the polytunnel as they need a jolly good water or else the cucumbers will go hard and woody and only suitable for consumption by chickens. I must get off my arse and work out what to get printed for the gallery in Plymouth (send them some samples of my work first, they also mentioned they may see about getting some of my patterns printed on material! How exciting).
On a less exciting note (in fact a dreadfully saddening note), I just dropped half of number 2 of 4 egg custard tart on the floor. VERY SAD TIMES. My normal opinion of “pick it up, dust it off, eat it” has been trumped by A) egg custard + a lot of dirt = un-dustable. B) Possible asbestos dust mixed in with the equation… bugger. Oh well, some small animal will be able to enjoy it from out of a hedge.
Zzzz… I am feeling sleep.
Ahh, the sun is coming out a little more! Just in time for a possibly early lunch (ALMOST 12 midday).

*I did draw a LITTLE bit… but after listening to The Archers on the radio I promptly fell asleep to the lullaby of Lisa bashing bits of metal to make a tripod and the afternoon story on Radio 4. Yes, I can sleep through blacksmithery…

All new pieces of work (theres a few...) can be found on my Facebook/Flickr/Society6. Today, uploading onto blogger does not seem to be my internets favourite thing to do.

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

93. Not stung by a bee

The third and final piece for Petra's homework things... and now on with looooads of writing:

Zzzz… my eyes are all sleepy like a dozy wasp. Wasps are very dozy at the moment, it is August and they have all done what they had to do and so are now spending time buzzing about and irritating / stinging people; annoyingly, yesterday I was a victim of a wasp sting. I was just driving through Bodmin, minding my own business; I had stopped briefly in the Morrison’s car park to tell my TomTom where to go, and had just driven out and approached a roundabout when suddenly OHHHH OWWW WTF OUCH BUGGERMENT POO GRRR! (Admittedly the words I said were far more harsh than any of those listed, however I felt I should at least attempt to censor what was said in reality). IT REALLY HURT, basically. What made it worse was that the sting was on the top of my boob (just below the top bit of my top) and the pain spread up to my throat & made me feel very sick, and then the wasp (I’m pretty sure it was a wasp as it felt crispy when I yanked it out of my bra) fell down UNDER my boob… so I had to swear & feel sick & dig out the wasp all whilst town driving, and that is tricky at the best of times in Bodmin in tourist season. So yes… that sting hurt all day, sometimes in waves of ouchy stingyness. At least the wasp / whatever it was was crushed to death when I yanked it out of my upper under crackers and flung it across the front of my van (I couldn’t find it later, perhaps the wind whooshed it out of the window).
My boob is still swollen (my right hand side one).

Eventually I arrived in Boscastle where I eventually found a parking space (people must have thought I was an idiot to attempt parking there on
a- In the summer holidays
b- On a rainy sunny rainy day, where the beach isn’t the right answer for tourists

c- I have Cornwall/Kernow stickers on both ends of my van, making me essentially a local so I REALLY should have known better). But anyway. Parking was finally found, and then we walked down a pretty side lane (off the beaten tourist track) to a small galley filled with the work of a woman called Helen Setterington. I’ve never heard of her before, but her work was pretty nice, all acrylic paintings of Cornish landscapes; she managed to get the turquoise transparency of the sea just right, and the yellow of the lichen (my favourite) and the blues of the sky… none of those silly wishy washy pieces which were so favoured round these parts some years back. I REMEMBER THEM. Stripe of one blue on top, stripe of a second blue on the bottom, maybe some variation in opacity with those colours – perhaps put in a bright ball of white for the sun, and maybe a couple of gull of boat silhouettes. Do you know the sort? Nice and simple, yes, but FAR over done.
But yes. Helen Setterington – not a wishy washy painter. I wonder if she was the woman I bought the 2 postcards off of, I’m guessing so. I had a brief natter with her about where she got her cards & postcards printed (www.monkeypuzzleart.co.uk). I liked the quality of the prints, although they are slightly contrasted compared to the original (I should have asked if she had created the contrast or if the printing company had).

After that we walked down a quay side path which had a notice saying “This is not a footpath, slippery when wet”. Again it was away from the beaten tourist track so that’s good. At the end we sat and ate the seemingly weekly lunch of crusty bread with salted butter & other filling (brie this time, from the reduced price jackpot… still not as good as the Petite Brie from Brittany!). It rained on us, but that was nice in a way. 3 young boys were leaping off the end of the quay area into the sea, and whenever they passed us they’d be all “Did you see my 360 yeeeeah?” and acting all ‘cool’. It was funny. Rain stopped and clambering on rocks was to be had, as when as a ridiculous amount of photos being taken of me (it’s flattering, really). The rock shapes round there are amazing, and the colours are pretty good too. Some rocks are really stained with iron rust and then dotted with patches of my afore mentioned favourite bright yellow lichen. The rock had formed in layers although not sedimentary but had then been crumpled and bent so that the straight lines became more like than of a drunken ant trying to walk in a straight line (really wiggly) and in places it was like two sides of a zip trying to fit together. I stole the camera at this point and clambered higher to get a couple of pieces of photographical evidence of this rock. I’m turning into my parents… I’m drooling over rock shapes. Next I’ll be packing my rucksack full of them and having airport security stop me (motherly sort!!!).

Come the end of lunch & other such ponderings we noticed that we’d taken way longer than we’d originally thought, so had to go top up the car park money before we then went to the Boscastle museum of Witchcraft. On entry and paying of £4 to a very witchy looking woman behind the desk (amid a cloud of incense) we wandered about attempting to read everything (it was impossible, so much of interest and so little ability to stop and concentrate and read things!!). Found a rather very slightly racist poster from ye olde times which pictured a witch and was advertising soap. The other picture was a face one half which was black, and the other looked like an albino black person!! The saying was “this soap works like magic, turning black to white!”. If they’d only have used less obvious facial features it would have seemed more like a “dirty people coming from the mines” poster rather than a “black people should be white!” poster. DEARY ME! Of course not all the museum was like that, that was just the “witches in advertising” section.

Things that came to my attention:
-Mass witch burning in Germany? (I think). So many witches were burnt that liquid human fat ran the streets. The fat got so hot that it eventually caught fire and the whole town set alight… ha haaa, suckers! Teaches you to be twats to those who are possibly slightly different.

-A lump of knobbly flint stone which was shaped like a penis and aptly names “cock rock”. It was given to the museum by a witch who no longer had a need for it as no one in her town believed in it’s powers any more (I can’t remember which town this was). The use of this stone was for a woman trying to conceive to put it under her pillow, it would help within 9 months (there was also a “vagina stone” although it’s use fails to be remembered).

-A human head which had been dipped in tar immediately after it’s execution but then rescued by someone… due to the tar covering there were still lots of details such as the closure of the eyelids. It had a sign up next to it with the words “Please do not laugh at this head. It once smiled and laughed, just like you or I. Please spare a minute to good thought for this head”. I can’t quite remember the meaning of all this, but none the less… interesting!

I shan’t tell of any more of this museum as I don’t wish to spoil it for anyone who visits it in the future (you should, £4 really isn’t that much for what the museum is!). I now have big urges to:
a- Draw some witches, stereotypical variety or no.
b- Buy a book of witchcraft history / facts, so I can read more about it.
c- Get some little charms and such. Even if they don’t manage to have the desired affect of what they’re meant to do (ward off evil, etc etc), they sure do look pretty and appeal to my aesthetical likes.

One the way back to the car we bought ice creams. Yum yum yum! They were (and still are) organically made from Helsett Farm (local to there), I chose the honey and lavender flavour as I’d never eaten lavender before and I love honey; glad I chose this! It was super tasty.

I shall indeed visit Boscastle again, perhaps next time not in main tourist weeks. Maybe I’ll stay at the YHA there, it’s a lovely little one – not sure if I’ve stayed there before?
Driving back home I made a quick detour to Advent Church as despite not being religious, I do like to see churches and this one seemed in the middle of no where (churches are generally old buildings and so nicely carved, but unlike most old buildings which are now owned by National Trust or English Heritage etc, they’re free to get in to! Although I was thinking of getting a National Trust membership).

So that was my “Saturday”. Today is more lazy, and I feel tired. I am sitting once again at the desk area with the windows open. Sunny intervals, a small breeze (much different to the fast winds which have been with us these past few days) and I can hear a plane going overhead – to me, that sound sounds like summer. Of course I can also here all the birds (as per usual). The air is not stuffy as it has been as we had a thunderstorm the other day (at the same time as I was standing in the middle of the chicken coop, feeding them watermelon).

In a week or 2 my old classmate (from illustration) Carl Norris is coming to work here. Have I already mentioned that? I don’t think so…? Hmm. But yes, he is. That’ll be good, a second chap in the staff house to balance out the 2 girls to 1 guy thing, plus he’s COOL. And has a spare surfboard… cackle. Ohh I miss the sea! I need to be forced to go jump in it again! I’ll go help him move his stuff out of Falmouth, and see Miss Harrison too. I hope the entire town isn’t still full of scary zombies! (Brad Pitt is filming his new zombie film on a big boat in the Falmouth Harbour area?!).

Apart from this weekend, not much has happened this week. The normal traumas of not being able to do cash up correctly, a few (but not too many) pissy customers, and the boredom of cleaning.

I’ve just had said to me “I wish I could write” (jealousy of me writing roughly 1800 words in 30-45 minutes). It reminded me of what I used to do “back in the day”, which was to write bad fan fics (the original ones were written with my good old friends Tanzee and Jennie, of whom I really do not see enough of…) these stories would consist of ourselves being something a bit better than we already were (possibly like the us of the future, who had money to buy expensive gothy corsets and own a house etc). We’d have flings with people such as Marilyn Manson, Ville Valo, and Billie Jo Armstrong as well as do multiple lots of drugs and drink at the same time as each other (of course back then we’d only really be drinking Alco-pops, stolen little bits of parents booze, and eventually in my case straight vodka). Tanzee would be the one who would get it on with Marilyn “Mazza” Manson, before end up getting pregnant much to the dislike of her fellow “housemates”, before getting very upset and having an overdose on something (not fatal) and falling down a flight of stairs (also not fatal). Jennie would be leaping on Billie Jo Armstrong and making a bit of a public spectacle of it, and I would be having my kink on in a darkened room with Ville Valo (and sometimes Dani Filth (CoF)). I wish I still had a copy of these awfully great stories – Tanzee, if you read this, do you?!

As well as these works of literary shit, I had a bad habit of regularly updating a ever deepening pile of angsty blog. Updates generally consisted of girls and guys who I had decided I really rather loved, but alas – the love was generally unrequited, and the blog entries eventually got me in a fair chunk of trouble someone… whoops! Agh well. TEENAGE YEARS, EH?? Chuckle (I’m currently listening to The Offspring – Conspiracy of One, for nostalgia reasons… I do actually still like them though).

William Arnold: “You’re not writing about me with cucumbers on my face are you?” “I am now” “Nooo…” (He’s lying down with cucumber on his barely there eye bags, and one on his forehead which I decided to take a chunk out of (the cucumber, not the forehead). He’s now just made mooing noises like the loud cows outside.

Anyhoo, for now, I shall stop writing this. I may do some gardening, or I may not. We shall see! Hum hum!

The third and final piece for Petra's homework things...

Thursday, 4 August 2011

92. Nibble my shoe

A blog!
What has even happened this past week?!
The joyous Dutch couple left, but not before we sat down and had a good natter and Joseph was super duper amazed by Google Earth - I let him know it was free and downloadable, and he was excited. We looked up their house in Holland & their second house in France. He then went to bed & I continued to talk to Petra (finally found out her name!). She comissioned me (in the "free" sort of way) to create a homework based picture for her - I'll create 3. Here's the first two:
Maybe she will send me something in return, maybe not. She said we were most welcome to stay with her (and Joseph? And her 16 year old daughter?).
Before she left we made sure to do lots more gardening together, during which I found a small toad (a year or 2 old), and picked plenty of blackberries (LOADS here! And really early! I hope the blackberry GLUT (new word I learnt!) continues, and there isn't soon to be a DEARTH (other new word!).
I shall make some more blackberry & cinnamon job (almost out from last year! Oh no!) and they won't even be picked in a graveyard, so no accidental cannibalism will occur this time.
Another lovely guest was a girl/woman/lady called Charlotte, she works in a screen printing company in Sweden, and was impressed by my upside down map drawing & writing skills. I have since drawn up a proper map on how to walk from here to Fowey, because so many folks ask.
Charlotte gave us chocolates when she left. It's such a shame the current guests aren't as nice! Although we have had an amusing & friendly German family arrive today, one of his first words was "scheisse"; this goes down well in my book.

On my "Saturday" (Monday) Rachel & I ventured into St Austell to go see the new Harry Potter film (finally!). Getting a little misplaced on the way there, and having to pull up on double yellows so that Rachel could CHUNDER, we finally arrived and did a snippet of shopping before the film (I found a 100% pure wool jumper for £4 in a charity shop - navy blue with bigger than a tennis ball white daisy flowers on it with yellow middles. It's really itchy, and some people would say it's really ugly (it is a bit) but I do rather like it! Though I hope the itchiness dies down. It shall be VERY cozy in the winter when I'm being a dirty hippy - of course I also have my Icelandic knitted jumper which my mum made me, but that isn't so tight knit. I also got me some shampoo/conditioner/shower gel from the St Austell branch of the Natural Store (love that shop), and have decided I want to buy some carob to make some weird & wacky food. Can't wait to opt out! Roll on not eating YHA food all the time!

Tuesday was a relatively lazy day, had a lie in and then adventured off to St Anthonys head (nr Falmouth / St Mawes etc). Had a stylish lunch of poppy seed fresh bread with salted butter & ox tongue / cream cheese & smoked salmon (reduced price jackpot!!!), with orange juice with juicy bits. Climbed a pole, got a tad worried about a cow and her three calves in the middle of the footpath (just incase she got moody about people being too close to her babies), and enjoyed the sunshine. The sun shone, but there was a bit of a breeze... so in the end didn't jump in the sea. I NEED to jump in the sea more. I miss it.

I'm afraid I don't have much else to report on, apart from The Artworks Agency in London telling me that they don't want me (keep trying somewhere else, I suppose!), and a gallery in Plymouth saying that they DO want me! (I didn't even ask! Thats good).
I found that chickens love blackberries, and that I definately can't cook scallops as well as they do in restaurants (not a big surprise).
I decided I want to buy a hammock to string up between the 5 big evergreens in our gardens, it is so nice and cool under those trees in the hot hot heat (today is grey & chilly).

Here is a sketch I did, for Mooncup (yes... if you know what it is already, hurrah! If you don't... it's worth finding out - more so if you're female ;) !!!).
This piece by Chelsea Brown caught my eye, even though she has such a serious face!I watched "Young Victoria" and fell in love with Rupert Friend in it, especially his outfits... he wore them SO WELL!

This looks tasty tasty, for easy good snackage when pudding is the thought!

Should I buy this camera? And the sexy brown leather case for it?