I have just sneezed (once - that means I'm ill. Apparently twice means that it's just something tickly, but any other number is being ill appart from those freaky deaky folk who sneeze and sneeze and sneeze and sneeze and sneeeeeze for ages, even when not ill).
I am infact, ill. With a cold. From Silje to Vera to me. A fair load of snot and a runny nose despite the fact that my nose is mostly blocked, and my eyes are watering - especially the right one, and my head feels funny, and my throat is a bit sore. All in all, it's annoying as I'm meant to be clearing up and out of my home of 2 years in Falmouth, as well as being cheery with everyone else as I'm going to leave their lovely company for that of Golant YHA... instead I have been flopping on my bed, attacking the garden, and throwing hard bread at Silje because I got pissy (thankfully she seemed to forgive me and brought me some honey and a knife and a mug of peppermint infusion... I hope it wasn't poisoned :) ).
At least when I get to Golant I will make sure to totally and utterly SORT OUT all my stuff, and get rid of a lot of it. I have far too much crap... I can not carry this all round in a van in the winter months. Toooo much...
So what has happened since my update on 6th June? Well, Mr Dan O'Shea arrived, and then disappeared rather quickly (to The Royal Cornwall Show). Us three girls went there on the Saturday also, after stopping off at Golant YHA for Friday night to keep Rachel company with some wine.
Although Royal Cornwall is pricey to get in to (£15!!) it's so very worth it (though I shall try get in free next year with the blacksmiths...!). We set off on a mission across from the main entrance to the blacksmiths tent, on the way meeting my Golant manager Paul (who was off to see the tiny little horses), met lots of huuuge bulls, pretty cows, oinking sleepy lazy pigs, and sheep - some of which looked like rabbits (I saw a sheeps erect knob - this amused me greatly). The blacksmiths were vocally abusing each other as per usual, and hungover. As per usual again, it seems!! I acquired myself a nice lightweight wax jacket, we bought Dan a hat (leather folk singer style sort o' thing, which we later embellished with pheasant feathers).
After Royal Cornwall we went in convoy with TRISTAN KESSELL! to Keveral farm (near Looe in Cornwall). I went there last year too for their annual all night folk event, this year however was much wetter. Although I had my van, we took a tent and all three of us slept in it. This would have been fine, as it was very warm and comfy, however it seems that someone had removed all the tent pegs from it and so it was only really held down with some makeshift pegs which Dan cleverly made. Again, this would have been fine if the wind hadn't been madly howling and at times the rain hadn't been lashing a little... but I was awoken at various times in the night with the slight worry that the top sheet would blow off (Dan helpfully came about a few times in the night silently thwacking the "pegs" into the ground more with his elbow). The morning came, and we soggily packed up and drove back to Falmouth in the fog (we got a little lost).
As well as being all folky and farmery, I've taken Mr Norris briefly looking for a van before we went to Lisa's secret beach and leapt in the sea (he swap like a crazy beast about the place, where as I had a sudden feeling of impending doom from the seabed and after a while decided to sit on a rock like a mermaid clad in tight black and blue neoprene).
I have also been on a few little adventures with Mr Arnold to various places, the most recent being to Perranporth where we walked along the cliff in the direction of St Agnes and ate a tasty picnic of simple baguette with butter and pate and double creme Oreos (mmmm!!!) and orange juice. Good stuff, says I. I may have been a tad grumpy at the start, but at the end all was fine and we looked at shags on Shag rock, and snooped about caves made from mines, and such like. We ALSO went to The Wheelhouse in Falmouth, had to book it in advance as it's a very small restaurant place. The interior is great - theres fun old hats on hooks on the walls that you can try on, and the only things on the menu are: lobster, crab, spider crab, prawns, scallops, and mussels. We had scallops in lemony butter sauce for starter (after stickmeat, they were the best thing I have EVER tasted, I had to eat some with my eyes shut). For mains we got the last big spider crab with special sauce, and mussels in white wine cream sauce as well as some skinny cut chips. The mussels were not the best ones I have ever tasted, perhaps because I ate them AFTER the scallops which were amazing. The crab was crazy to eat, having never eaten one before, and we were STUFFED after that feast!! Not cheap, but great food.
For a few nights my parents and grandmother were also down for my final show, they seemed to like it (admittedly my dad and grandmother didn't seem as impressed as my mum - perhaps thats a Bourne trait - not showing impressedness!!). I went driving with them round the north coast for a day (driving as le grandmere doth not walke so well nowadays), and also went to Greenbanks Hotel (other end of Falmouth to me) for supper. My supper was YUMMY!
UPDATE!!! It is now the 5th of July and I am at Golant! It is essentially my Sunday (2nd day off in my "weekend") and I now have the interwebs, so I'm sitting in reception grinning at Rachel working whilst eating a bar of Galaxy and drinking a hot chocolate... I don't often eat this badly, however I decided this occasional slobbiness called for it.
It was so terrible to leave Falmouth... the tidying up was left far too late in the end, and I have far too much stuff. In the end I got insanely tired and very emotional (I was the first to cry... oh dear...) and had to get Dan (who was still staying with us) to drive with me to Golant as otherwise I may have crashed. A LOT. Oh dear...
I miss my Norwegian's terribly, I didn't get enough time to sob all over them, and to dribble snot all over the place... they had better come to graduation in September, AND to Lowender Peran festie in October, and then I'll go to Norway in December for Christmas! I can't wait. I hope it happens.
In a way it feels good to be away from Falmouth, especially away from some things... you can only put up with stuff for a certain amount of time!!
Yesturday I walked in to Fowey with Rachel, my legs got bitten by flies on the way there. We they sat and watched life go by on the wall, before she went off to meet her new chap (ooer!) and I went and hunted down a printing company - I'm gonna see if I can get cards and postcards printed up which I'll then sell at YHA's & little shops in Fowey. Yes yes yes.
Ahhh... I'm not sure what else to write for now, I reckon I'll try update more often and such.
I'm thinking of moving my website onto something like Wordpress - I know it's not crazy profesional or anything, but it's so tricky to update my own website at the moment - mostly due to the fact I don't own Dreamweaver. We'll see. I hope no one from New Designers look at my website, it's blimmin' awful!
But for now, go read this blog (Mr Lukas Drinkwater) as it never fails to make me happy. Also, on the mention of the chap, here is a link or something to a new music video for 3 Daft Mokeys (the band he is currently in). He's the bassist chappo with the top hat, top notch!
http://youtu.be/RXS4DmjKskg video
And now, some imagery...

These wandering guys are AMAZING.
Rude comic! Curvy! Thank you Vera!
This old - new photo thing appealed.
Ponced up Russian rich kids!
Ciao for now!
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