Monday, 20 December 2010

47. I am not in Devon.

I stole this thing from Rarr because I know I should be
a) packing for Tenerife
b) doing a few drawings
c) prodding my dissertation
d) maybe having a shower?
But I'll do this, instead. As my family home puts me into lazy mode (Mr O'Shea earlier laughed a bit, "more so than usual?" I AM NOT THAT LAZY, O'SHEA! Only when I know I can get away with it... when you'd carry my bags and such...!!
But here goes.

Ten things I have done that you probably haven't.
Taken a dump down one of the cracks in the natural limestone paving up by Malham Tarn, Yorkshire.
2. Taken part in the tug of war in some proper highland games in Perthshire, Scotland. Sadly, we lost.
Slept in a cardboard box in a carpark over night.
Drunk whiskey from a hipflask in the back of a moving van, with a Scottish man, an Italian man, a French man (he was driving), an Australian man, and an English girlie.
Been close up eye witness to a chap getting into Glastonbury fest via hangglider / something similar, sadly he was made to leave the premises very shortly after.
Slept in the back of a 4 tunner whilst there were flares going off and people running around all over the place outside.
Pretty much skipped along Striding Edge, Lake District. Things don't seem so dangerous when you are small and young. Mum walked in front to avoid seeing me fall off down the cliff like edges, if I did.
Skinned and gutted etc a rabbit. It was great fun, made a superb puppet for a short while.
Had a barn owl sit on my shoulder. A photo was taken, of course.
Sung in the youngest Sea Shanty band in Britain. Now I know a FEW of you others have done that too... but only, say, 9 of you? Not the rest of the world!

That'll do for now. Nothing too dubious / revealing!!

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