More parties at our house, please.
Am back in the Rei-gate at the mo, hence why I am hibernating (nearer to London, so shittier air, so zits appear and Bex gets SUPER DUPER TIRED... plus the bed is a double and has a down duvet and theres a radiator and ohhhh).
Off to Norway to see Squelchy for 10 nights tomorrow eve, I hope they don't take the x-mas cake away from me in customs. Shall make sure not to wrap it in tin foil (tin foil = bombs, yes?).
Dear England, if you think that the world has got suddenly very much darker on 28th December, NEVER FEAR! It's just me blocking out the sun as I come back from Norge. I am going to be very, very, very, very, very, very, very.... fat. Blob blob blob. Doesn't mean that I'm not looking forwards to the food though. Ohhhh sheeps heads and stick meat and squashed up pigs head and... (Squelchy, what else?).
I should be doing a million things right now. But I'm procrastinating.
Location drawing (though I'm not sure if Elk would enjoy me sitting in her room drawing her whilst she gets ready to go out... going out most Thursdays?! Insane!) and mum doesn't stay still enough as she's cooking a DUCK. Nom. And dad, well, he's not in.
And then theres the new uni project, something about information... I'm thinking of forests / trees / mountains... etc. No birds in there, please. They're too overused (earlier in the garden I saw a woodpecker, a robin, a blackbird, a jay, a bluetit, a wood pigeon, and a SQUIRREL).
And I have cards and presents to finish before I go to Norway. Eeeeek.
General life for the Bex is good, rather confusing, but good. Been missing Fal for days now, and the people (I never knew I could miss singing shanties so much, it's just NOT the same on your own).
But yes. Have some links and images and whatnot thrown at you (there may be quite a load, since I have a big backed up pile of them).
This blog makes me gasm.
Squelchy & I are contemplating hiking round the Lake District in the Easter holidays. I loved the Swallows & Amazons books when I was young (and now, too, actually).
I want to glitterify everything! But will I need it...
Someone buy me this, please... *drool*
Aaaannnd this, because you've got to love a bit of Robert Crumb vs religion
Yummy yummy yummy (expensive) fabrics.
A bit of a RUUUUDE comic.
And now a big fat bundle of images, many of which I could not find out who made them... anyone know?

AAA for aardvark. Not so sure about the round bits on it's shoulders, but the tail is nice, colours too.

What a happy looking man. How grimey.

Simple yet so obvious what it is. Plus I do love a good bit of mountains and whatnot. LAKE DISTRICT!!

Thats all for now. I think supper is nearly ready (have so far got away with not having to wash up or cook AT ALL).
Rob Crumb's Genesis book is absolutely amazing, you must get it! I would never be able to understand what the hell it's all about with the illustrations. It took him 5 years to draw you know! x
ReplyDeleteRobert Crumb in general is amazing...!! Have you read / looked at the fat yellow Rob Crumb book? Good to read about everything too.
ReplyDeleteAnd 5 years... I'm not surprised really, it is a glorious object (if I don't get it for xmas, which I expect is true, I'll buy it).
Yeah it's great! And I love all of the music CDs that he's beeb giving away over the last few years with his books. :) x