This was all written the other night, whilst I was in bed… so hopefully it makes sense!
Well… currently lying in bed in my van, admittedly its not too cosy just now, but sooner or later it’ll get close to mid-Spring/Summer & I’ll be proper toasty at night! Mmm…
I can hear a light rain on the roof, and the muffled booming of waves on the rocks / cliff bottom (cliff edge being maybe 7-10 metres away? Edge of manmade surface is about 3 metres…).
It’s just come to the end of my second day of working (for money!) at YHA Perranporth & all is good.
Work is currently easy, a little cleaning & some light maintenance work. Kinda can’t wait till it starts to get busy, except for the fact that the masses will bring in copious amounts of sand into the bedrooms and showers… but I can’t complain. My job is pretty much a holiday compared to that of many other YHA workers.
Just before I came here to work, I spent a lazy couple of days Falmouth way… the weather was so lovely for those! On one I joined Lisa & Dan in their field for a sunshine flooded breakfast (oats, dried fruit, fresh fruit, nuts, seeds, apple juice…) before heading to the beach for the first sunbathe of the year! Later I fell asleep in the field in the late afternoon sun, listening to Dave Wisdom playing his bouzouki. That night a few others came over & we joined efforts & had a BBQ bonfire with yummy food, amusing banter, & more folky music. At some point over my “weekend” I woke up halfway through a dream of a vegetable plot bed filled with a great harvest of well rounded yet still fluffy red cabbages!
Obviously I was missing Bosavern Farm a bit, even though there wasn’t anything of the cabbagey sort ready for harvesting at the point that I left…
Ahh Bosavern… that is where I was residing from mid January until the end of February. Bosavern Community Farm, near St Just in Penwith to be exact!
There I woke up with the sun 3 days a week to let chickens out into their fields, in the evenings shutting them back up. There I watched as piglets fattened, oinked as I rubbed their bellies, chased after the wheelbarrow as we walked past their enclosure… there I dug many a potato & picked many a leaf of salad. All well and truly organic & free range and at the end of the earth! (Or at least just at the most westerly point or there about of Britain). Yummy food, mostly our own – yay for seasonal eating! Parsnips! Kale! Potatoes! Lovely company, especially that of my hosts Hugh & Alice – I miss their random moments of speaking Spanish, the use of the nickname “Pynny”, & the Sunday pancake days… every Sunday!
I wish I could have brought the pigs and a chicken or two with me. And the polytunnels.
Such a good experience, I will go back there someday (well, I have to – accidently stole the spare key!).
Maybe I’ll write a short children’s book on chickens, the little things you find out when you work so closely with them.
I’ve also learnt to appreciate so much more where my food comes from, & hope that I can eat some of the meat which comes off of the pigs later on in the year (they’re Kune Kune pigs – so cute!). Friends CAN be food!
Organic farming (without heavy machinery) is hard work, but worth it.
So that’s that.
Apart from YHAing & WWOOFing, I’ve been going on little trips to places such as Levant mine to find Cornish quartz crystals (they’re good luck!), and Gwithian beach to smash open rocks to find more pretty things, and the quarry by the forge to eat breakfast, and Kennell Vale to spy on goblins and such like…
Life is good, but now getting a tad too chilly so I’m gonna crawl under my duvet.
Bonne nuit!
I'll do another update hopefully in the not too far future with images by MOI in it. For now, here is a link to my new and updated (YAY!) website!
A dump of images that I've taken a liking to, in no particular order!

A collection of HUTS. Delicious! I wish to draw more groovy little places to live. Found via.

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