It's a strange evening... Anthony and Dogga left just before lunch, back to London, and so now it's just Forest, Johnathon and myself. Quiet, and far less excitable (due to Dogga's absence, I shall miss the morning excitement of "OHHHH! MORE PEOPLE! OHHH! THIS IS SO EXCITING!" which Dogga seemed to always get.
Life here at Tregoss Barton, Tregaminion, is otherwise continuing as per usual. There are always more hedges to plant, more earth to move, more weeding to do, as well as other shorter jobs.
The weather has got a fair load colder over this past week, and it looks like it's to get rather speedily even colder over the weekend (annoyingly I may be in my van at that point, with no hot water getter! Brrr...). Funny to think though, that this time last year it had snowed at least once.
Earlier I looked through a few photos of late November / early December from 2010 and got reminded of the good time Silje & I had when we invaded Lisa's forge when it was snowy, how we pulled each other about on the knocked together metal sledge, cooked sausages over the forge fire. At some other point Silje, Vera, & I got on the minibus for BTCV, rather unsure of where we were going... turned out we were going to Exeter. In snow. From Cornwall. Cornwall + snow = a lot of people going "AAAARGH! WHAT DO I DOOOO!" and Norwegian's constantly doing something halfway between laughing and rolling their eyes "HAHAHAHA... suckers".
Ahhh... how time flies.
On the mention of time, MAKE IT FLY FASTER! Not that here at Tregoss Barton isn't nice, but I really can't wait to see my HOMIES in Reigate area, and then off to Norway for 2 weeks of happiness and getting fat! Silje keeps reminding me how many days it is until I get to Norway. I hope the weather acts the same as the time I was there for x-mas in 2009... cold the night I arrive, and then snowing a little overnight, before we went into town (Stavanger) to go x-mas shopping and then it started to SNOW AND SNOW AND SNOW AND SNOW AND SNOW. I wasn't wearing terribly appropriate shoes.
Last weekend I had a good time. On the Friday we had a half day, and so Forest & I drove up to Gwithian where we went for an afternoon walk along Godrevey & then up to watch seals off of the point (somehow managing to walk AROUND a big rain cloud, and only get vaguely dampened).
It got dark and I drove to Camborne station (getting a tad lost) to pick up my sister Elk. That night we have fun playing in the barn on the trapeze, a wobble board thing, and with the weighted hula-hoop before Elk settled down in Gypsy wagon Ellie, and sleep was had. The next day we headed off towards St Just, going via Penzance for me to pick up a few things from Archie Brown's health food shop ("dirty hippy" toothpaste, deodorant, and some Yogi "Men's tea". Interesting, yes?). There were Morris Dancers about and it seemed to be some sort of mini town festival going on, lots of well dressed people out.
Driving on, we got to St Just & snooped about, briefly snoozed in the back of Hector (afternoon-itis set in after our lunchtime pasties!) and then before it got dark drove off down the hill into the Cot Valley, right to the end of the road/track to the small carparking area. Sat and watched the sea for a while, I was half soaked by a rogue wave, supper and some cider in the back of Hector and then a 25 min walk back up the hill to St Just to have a couple of Rattlers and a rum & Shrub in The Star Inn - there was an old chap there, playing and singing cover songs. Bad, but good.
That evening we slept in Hector, it was pretty windy and rainy, lots of seaspray ending up on the windscreen, and the morning came along nice and blue skied. A lazy morning, and then driving the scenic way back to Camborne along the coastal road between St Just & St Ives, stopping to look at mines and cliffs and rocks on hills as we went, briefly stopping in at Perranporth to see if Phil was in (he wasn't... probably surfing).
Then I dropped her back at Camborne, she managed to just about catch the train.
Otherwise I haven't really done much of note... this week has been relatively crafty, creating some x-mas cards, a couple of presents, etc...
So now some links:
I mostly like the front page of this website, although not ALL the work...
This looks like an exciting event to go to!
And some work by other folks (none from me this time, the work which I HAVE created is all to be kept secret for a little while!).
Alan Brown... watercolours, I presume? Block shapes & pattern appealed.

Caitlin Keegan. A rather attractive 2012 calender...

Carmen Segovia. Like the way things have been shaded, really.

Helen Musselwhite. Cut out patches of pattern / texture... mmm.

Lotta Nieminen. Mmmmm shapes! Simple!

Tartaruga Feliz. Nice idea of cards... they each have bits of stories on the backs of them.

Yalena Bryksenkova. Simply lovely.

Smalladventure (Etsy). Oh gouache.

Via Suckmydog (Tumblr). It jusy appealed...

Via Magnolia-Bats (Tumblr). Can't go wrong with a good moon.

Via Allegorys (Tumblr). Psychedelic goodness!

By Steven Meisel. Don't have a clue who the woman is, but that hair? Delightfully scruffy!

Mourning ring via even*cleveland. Appeals to my pirate side o'thangsss. Please?

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