Not updated this in a while, my Norwegians & Irish have got back home, uni term has started, and we've currently got a lovely chap called Duncan also staying with us for a couple more weeks! It's all very good, and all very busy.
Admittedly not totally busy in the way I'd like it to, recently I've been getting bored of sitting on my posterior for hours on end drawing, not that I don't REALLY REALLY enjoy drawing, but I also REALLY REALLY enjoy getting out and moving about and doing things! Thankfully I got my dose of that when my mum came down to visit so we went driving all over Cornwall & leapt in the sea at various places...
We swam about in the sea at Kynance Cove on the Lizard and talked to an inquisitive seal, and then went leaping about in the waves on the north coast - only getting out due to the fact there was a dead baby seal bobbing about :(
Gone on a few little walks about the place too... so I guess I'll survive!
Third year of Illustration... eek! It's a slightly worrying prospect, everything this year actually COUNTS... I still feel like I'm in 1st or 2nd year, but sort of enjoying the slightly powerful feeling of being the 3rd year (RAWR! Get below me, little 1st / 2nd years...).
Found a new style which I'm liking, it's very good for scenery and such, and so I'm also attempting to do that style for a competition piece I'm doing for the Ebenezer Gallery in east Cornwall... though for the comp. I'm doing it all 100% TRADITIONALLY. Which is tricky for me, I'm used to 50/50 trad and digi.
Here is some of my work and whatnot from uni, and also some personal stuff:
(for ALL of my work, visit me here, though I will soon have my very own website. A REAL WEBSITE!)

I'm doing an A-Z of animals, filled with patterns based on their country / sea area of origin. J for Jellyfish is the newest so far (full batch on my Flickr).

Card for Duncan's mum (not from me, that'd be odd - never met the woman). Anyone else need birthday cards?

It seems that my band, The Falmouth Fish (sea shanty collective) seem to have gone tits up since our Captain Dan O'Shea left the county (for various reasons). I'm hoping that myself & the other girlies will be able to form some sort of wenchy GIRL BAND. Yeeee harrr <-not sure about the reason for putting that non-sounding sound affect was. It was good whilst it lasted, anyway. Perhaps it will continue... we're just currently on very rocky shores. Hmm... are there any other doings & happenings to mention? Got drunk a few times & leapt in the sea starkers, got another commision from Alasdair (up in Och Aye land)... I think thats possibly it. Weather down here is definately getting much colder. Brrr. On that note, I shall stop this slice of procrastination.
Some music to listen to (if you have Spotify):
The Peoples String Foundation – Making Waves - a local to Cornwall band, lovely bunch of chaps. They played Glastonbury twice this year! Luke loves a good spoonerism (Cunning Stunt?)
Robert Plant – Band Of Joy - Robert Plant's new album, it's really rather good! Nice friendly rockish stuff to shove in your ears.
Ozric Tentacles – The Yumyum Tree - Blimmin' weird! They've been around for yeeeeeeeeeeears, sort of prog rockish, but... not sure what that is. I've been telling people that it's like sitting in a relaxing river, but the river has jacuzzi bubbles in it.
Bonobo – Black Sands - Chill out stuff. Nice for working to.
Some links to follow:
Dancing hands!
Rock balancing, lovely...
A fun mooosic video
Super amusing comics, much about Scandanavia!
Book cover archive. Useful.
Watch for the northern lights.
Corr, full colour 1940's photos!
Inspiring Tumblr, shame about the large amount of images of models...
And a couple of images from other folks:

Ciao for now! On with work...
I really liked your a-z of animals, and the profasaurus is awsome.