Sunday, 25 July 2010

37. A-Z of excellent things.

The colours and textures of Autumn Leaves.
Silence except for the Buzzing of Bees & the chirping of Birds.
Curling up in front of fires, in patches of sunlight or shade, in a jumble of cushions...
Walking across Dewy grass in the early morning, before anyone else does.
Eating really yummy scrumy food, the sort which doesn't bloat you up crazily.
A little Fresh breeze on a hot summers day.
Successfully Growing plants.
The first Hot day of the year, preferably matched with the first sea swim of the year.
Islands, the less inhabited the better.
Jumping over streams, and up and down on trampolines.
Kissing. Except for the creepy / awkward sort.
Meeting new Lovely people and having a good Long chat.
Running about at full Moon.
Going to bed in Newly washed, crunchy bedding, after having washed myself.
Looking through Old photos of myself & my family, friends & adventures & such.
Searching for good Pebbles on the beach.
Quaint little old buildings, with so much potential. Not the creepy sort, though.
Re-discovering an old item of clothing.
Watching the Sea glitter and the Sky change. Sunsets and Sunrises.
Getting to the Top of a hill. Big or small.
Having a freshly washed stash of Underwear.
Finding Various small objects which work great as a secret stash of treasure.
Waking up bright and early, and being perfectly awake and alive.
X's at the end of cards / letters, when they really mean it.
Playing the Yellow car game (extended edition!) with the correct people, at the correct time.
Sleeping and bed, without being a total lazy-bum, Zzzzz...

Monday, 19 July 2010


(yes, once again I can constipate your computer with an image heavy update...)

Fancy meeting you here.
I've just watched a film on BBCiplayer called "XXY" about a hermaphrodite... quite a nice little film. Nice to watch (subtitles). I have now found a new actress to like, Ines Efron.And my tummy is rumbling again. It's been doing that a lot since I started on my jalapaeno rampage (good deal on in Tescos for them! So I bought 2 jars... A nom nom nom nom nom.

Hmm, what can I currently hear: Faye and Oggy cackling from Faye's room. Cars driving down the rather wet (rain!) road.
See: ...this laptop... my study, my ever getting covered study walls, the dress which I need to fix.
Smell: Nothing much. Infact nothing notable, at all. Just... house?
Feel: The nest of a bean bag cradling my posterior.
Sense: That I'm a bit tired, so apologies if this makes no sense what so ever.

It's been over a month since I updated! In that month... I have...
-Gone to the Royal Cornwall Show! Yes! I DID go there in the end! I wandered round grinning to myself... so many piggies and sheep and horsies, and cowwies and... yus! Lovely creatures. And tractors... which I forgot to give 4 punches for each (a limited few will understand this).After the RCS, some of us went to a lovely place called "Keveral Organic Farm" which is near Plymouth for an all night folk music session. I was already a tad tired, so ended up going outside under the starry sky, and curling up on a remarkably slug & snail free black leather sofa in front of a fire. Woke up in the morning to have the sun shining on me and the birds tweetering and the bee's buzzing. Gawwwjus.-Finished my 2nd year of Illustration BA hons at Falmouth uni. With a 2:1 and no referals. Yesss. Thank you Alan Male. Here is what I did for my (slightly rushed) last project, it was a bit of an experimental sort. I intended for it to be aimed at the Kid's Nat Geo, but as Mr Male said, it would be far better as something such as a big poster / banner for the National Science Museum. Yes! And he didn't hate them!!-3 days of Falmouth International Sea Shanty festival! We did 4 gigs, and all the oldies luuuurved us. Us Falmouth Fishies even got the best report in the newspaper. *brag brag brag*. (ohhh, look at us! Only half the band in the shot, but L>R: Foy, myself, Martin, Dan, and Lisarr).
-Gone and had a most fabulous time at Glastonbury festival, it was worth the large amount of money I paid for the ticket. Met with some "long lost" friends, saw the likes of The Stranglers (with my pint of milk), and FUNKADELIC (with Parliament) who were AMAZING... I'm still in awe. I grooved like a mad beast, definately. Not a single drop of rain, and I think I saw, what, 1 small puddle of mud? I got away without drowing in a quagmire! Wheeeyyyyy! I think my 3 posters did it a nice little lot of justice.-Took a day trip to see Ninnarrrr down in Hastings with the aid of the wonderful driver Racheyboiii, Daniboi, Imy, and Emilarrrgh. The seagulls there are far more polite than the ones down 'ere in old Fal-taaan! (though I DID go into "hunter" mode, and start up a quickfire of beach pebbles when a few got a bit too cocky).
-A day visit to the forge for a picnic & for me to bash some metal, with some help I made a knife & 2 pronged for for eating with, or something. Attempted to eat a bread roll sandwich with them, it DID work, though a little oddly (I suppose you aren't really meant to cut up bread rolls with a chunky knife & fork, if at all). These metal eating impliments go nicely with my WOODEN SPOON which I made at Crazy Dave's. I'm still waiting for it to dry out (it was green wood) and then I can sand it and put a hole through it to put an O-ring in.
-Went off to Dorset with Dan to visit his folks. And the puppies. PUPPIES! Eeeee! I was then labelled as a puppy whisperer (barker is more appropriate). Sadly the weather there failed most days... nice to get away, though.Since then I haven't done overly much except for find out that I'm dyslexic. Hurrah!

These current days I'm trying to keep a vague "go go go!" structure, today failed a bit (though in my defence, I have been working on an illustration for Alasdair all day. Folk tail stuff, a crofter telling fairies to cut and stack peat. Can't draw the damned fairies, though.
Still no summer job, bugger.

Lisa went away for a couple of weeks to Lundy Island, she came back with tales... and after a little more research I really rather fancy the place myself now. It seems they'd like some voluntary conservation workers, I can do that... please! Next summer though. Yes.

Here are some images of liking / inspiring which ARE NOT MINE:I'm not sure who did the above (if you know, do tell me) but it looks like such a nice little work space. Reminds me a little of my own (I think thats due to the tiny bunting).Aijung Kim. It's not overly amazing, but the opacity and colours are yummiferous. And I
REALLY like the top section.Amy Ruppel. Birds birds, yes yes... but look at the snippet of see-through photograph!Anna Wadham's colourfal cats.
Deanna Halsall drew the Beach Boys, I like just that top bit, not so sure about the earplugged girl.Chris Seddon makes funky cards, I think I'm going to try my hand at similar in the print rooms when I get back to uni.ELIZABETH MAHONEY. She's not famous, infact she's my sisters age (17/18). This liking does not apply to all her photos, but she's not half bad and this one really catches my eye. Definately from my homeland (as is Lizi).Brett Manning. Not really my style, but it was too nice to miss.
Brad Haubrich. GO GHOSTLY BIYCLE! GO! Blocky goodness.Stella Im Hultberg. Looks like ink dripped in a VERY controlled manner.Stacey Rozich. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this one! Infact it's my current laptop background image. I want to do stuff like this! Ohhh... *dribble*.Sergio Membrillas. Nom nom nom, I do love a good bit of digital overlay and fish.Paolo Zakimi has the floating fish effect. I shall float with the fishies.Nick Sheehy. I just want to GRIN MADLY at this bird. Yes indeed, yes I do. And I hope it'd grin madly back, with all 6 of it's eyes.Miki Sato. Hung by balloons! A cheerful way to end your life.From "Hello Earth" on Etsy. Not the most fantastical masterpiece, but lovely non the less. It shows that finger painting isn't just for the midgets!Helen Acraman. 3 bears. DZOO.

Now... goodnight! I have a date with my bed.