(Helloooooo image heavy update...)
Good early evening, blog. I'm not sure why I'm writing you instead of sitting outside in the gorgeous sunshine (with my newly replanted babies - 15 sunflowers). Instead I am sitting inside my study cave, looking out.
Hmm, so.... urrrm.... yes! Stuff has happened.
Weather has been getting better and better, with the occasional grey & moist days dotted about... I hope it remains like this for the whole summer, that would be great - even if we do get swamped by tourists (trying to walk through down earlier was tricky, a large cruise ferry had just shat shedloads of them onto Falmouth).
So close to the end of 2nd year now, infact my assessment is on the 11th June and if I don't get any referrals (I'm HOPING I don't) then I'm finished for the summer! More freedom! More time to go out exploring away from Fal and such. I'm getting slight cabin fever.
Since the last entry Silje & I have visited Dan&Lisa's forge again, on a location drawing mission (we also did a little exploring, and found some cows).
I hope they battle off ANY slugs and snails.
Did some conservational volunteering work (BTCV) in a wood, there was a charcoal maker there which caused smoke to fill parts of the wood - this looked really lovely against the sun streaming down through the trees.
Watched ALL of Eurovision... not that I like it, but some of it's quite fun. The next day I had to walk through town in my gear, so... heels (holy crap) and a black poofy skirt. Serious non-Fal clothing.
Last Sunday we went to a free Celtic music event, a couple of bands played - Gallowglass and 3 Daft Monkeys. Ruth & I had a good old dance to the latter, and got rather sweaty. I need to go see / hear more music like that.
Next Saturday (12th) I WISH I was going to the Royal Cornwall Show, to see prized pigs... horse shows... tractors... the Duke & Duchess of Cornwall...!!!... and other such wonders. Am I old before my time? I'd rather go to a show like that than get very drunk and go mad at night.
Unfortunately, it seems I won't be able to due to transport.
And... GLASTONBURY SOON! And Falmouth International Sea Shanty Fest! And many other things! Dorset!!
Anyhoo, I'm not in a particularly typey mood, I just felt I should update and write a little.
3 Swallows & Amazons (Arthur Ransome) covers (adult versions)

And now stuff wot I loike:

Eyeees! Everywhere! Image adjusted (googlies) by ilovecatparty.blogspot

New hotel Itell in Amsterdam, Silje sent me the link to this. Don't think it's QUITE finished in this image? But WOW.
Ohhhh.... links?
http://www.cumulusproject.com/ - stump stools
http://vimeo.com/11712103 - baby sloths. Eeeeee.
http://www.calligraffiti.nl - calligraphy vs graffiti... all in one.
Over and out.
(I just got a big waft of lavender bush, and now Oggy's BBQ)
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