Friday, 4 June 2010

Thirty five lives in a bee hive.

(Helloooooo image heavy update...)

Good early evening, blog. I'm not sure why I'm writing you instead of sitting outside in the gorgeous sunshine (with my newly replanted babies - 15 sunflowers). Instead I am sitting inside my study cave, looking out.
Hmm, so.... urrrm.... yes! Stuff has happened.
Weather has been getting better and better, with the occasional grey & moist days dotted about... I hope it remains like this for the whole summer, that would be great - even if we do get swamped by tourists (trying to walk through down earlier was tricky, a large cruise ferry had just shat shedloads of them onto Falmouth).

So close to the end of 2nd year now, infact my assessment is on the 11th June and if I don't get any referrals (I'm HOPING I don't) then I'm finished for the summer! More freedom! More time to go out exploring away from Fal and such. I'm getting slight cabin fever.

Since the last entry Silje & I have visited Dan&Lisa's forge again, on a location drawing mission (we also did a little exploring, and found some cows).I planted 15 sunflowers, since the 20 or so that I planted before ALL got devoured by slugs and the like *shakes fist at them*. These 15 I bought up in the cosy environment of my desk, with tender loving care (arrrr) and now today I repotted them... but I've mentioned that already.
I hope they battle off ANY slugs and snails.
Did some conservational volunteering work (BTCV) in a wood, there was a charcoal maker there which caused smoke to fill parts of the wood - this looked really lovely against the sun streaming down through the trees.Aaaaand.... went to St Mawes with Dan for his birthday! (For his birthday "party" we went to a beach on the north coast, swam in the sea, had a picnic of brie smoked salmon and crackers... then to a meadery for mead & MEAT. Then to Luke's brothers lovely place for music & drinking). We visited the castle & all that, and had a scrummy feast.
Watched ALL of Eurovision... not that I like it, but some of it's quite fun. The next day I had to walk through town in my gear, so... heels (holy crap) and a black poofy skirt. Serious non-Fal clothing.
Last Sunday we went to a free Celtic music event, a couple of bands played - Gallowglass and 3 Daft Monkeys. Ruth & I had a good old dance to the latter, and got rather sweaty. I need to go see / hear more music like that.

Next Saturday (12th) I WISH I was going to the Royal Cornwall Show, to see prized pigs... horse shows... tractors... the Duke & Duchess of Cornwall...!!!... and other such wonders. Am I old before my time? I'd rather go to a show like that than get very drunk and go mad at night.
Unfortunately, it seems I won't be able to due to transport.

And... GLASTONBURY SOON! And Falmouth International Sea Shanty Fest! And many other things! Dorset!!

Anyhoo, I'm not in a particularly typey mood, I just felt I should update and write a little.

3 Swallows & Amazons (Arthur Ransome) covers (adult versions)And the "childrens" versions of the same covers...A poster for the Falmouth International Sea Shanty Festival!Embroidered(ish) tweed piece of "The Best Field" for Dan's birthday.Theeen 3 nursery rhyme pieces, in watercolour! I'm going slightly more traditional rather than digital here...Then today I've just finished the Falmouth Fish album artwork. Here's the version of it with not ALL the writing & such on it, just the minimum.OH! And and and I made me some trousers / bloomers / saggy crotch / hareem pants! All in one day! From scratch! Never made trousers before... I rather like them.And some imagery of other peoples:
Bears by Andrew Holder. They look so friendly... love the layers."Believe it" - Julie Sonmi HeglundRather different to what I usually like... "Dawn" by Tristan.Jim Tierney... I only meant to save that "Sea Wolf" bit, but the rest followed! (not that I don't LIKE the rest...)She looks so moist... Kris Knight.Patrick Haruby.

And now stuff wot I loike:This bedding by Patapri just made me dribble a little.
Eyeees! Everywhere! Image adjusted (googlies) by ilovecatparty.blogspot
New hotel Itell in Amsterdam, Silje sent me the link to this. Don't think it's QUITE finished in this image? But WOW.

Ohhhh.... links? - stump stools - baby sloths. Eeeeee. - calligraphy vs graffiti... all in one.

Over and out.
(I just got a big waft of lavender bush, and now Oggy's BBQ)