Great, I just tore my bottom lip open again. Well, the past week and a bit has been quite strange... some very good* and nice* bits, and some bits which weren't very nice at all... but I hope everything will go smoother from now on. Need to eat properly again, literally everything has gone bottoms up from this deadline - loads of cinnamon and raisin bread wot I made, blasted for 30 seconds in the microwave and then buttered up. Nom. Whoops, just got caught not working by Mark. Hum di dum. I like pinching the end of my nose recently. A snooze later, maybe. The weather is starting to get better again, this morning it really felt like spring - birds tweeting and warm sunshine and such... I was only wearing a jumper & vest with a scarf!
Looked at my poor little yard plants earlier, Clive the chive is rejuvinating himself (thankfully, he sure has been through a lot!) Old Rosie the rosemary seems happy enough, sage (still unnamed) is holey... damn those caterpillars... but in the land of the living. Minski the mint is also a bit holey but she has new shoots come up. The 2 strawberry plants although brown leafed and dead for part of them also have new shoots... daisy stuff seems ok? Though half of it DID die away (maybe it'll come back). Unfortunately Biscuit the hibiscus and Bob Marley the... dreadlock plant? Both seem terribly worse for wear; I'm REALLY hoping that they come alive again with the warmer weather, but am not being too hopeful. Umut still seems happy enough on the kitchen window sill, Detective Basil is, of course, is still well and truely dead. We got 3 new plant additions to our family though - 2 palmy leafy vaguely bambooish?! plants (living room and Silje's room - Silje's is called Watson) and I got me a succulent which looks like little green pipes, so it's called Sherlock. Plant update OVER.
On the mention of Sherlock & Watson, a (slightly dubious) fanfic is being written! It'll be a crossover with Jack Sparrow & Will Turner too. Just for fun. So far it's me and Dan who have written it so far, maybe Silhe will write some? And last night at Shanty practise down at Shipwrights Martin seemed interested in writing some too. Fun fun fun.
Am quite looking forwards to the Paris trip... even though this will be my 3rd / 4th trip and I've seen most of / all the big sites. I have to go to the catacombs, and I suppose that going back to the big sites will give me a new chance to draw them / the people in them as I've seen them all before (and accidently fallen asleep and dribbled on a pew inside Notre Dame... maybe I'll go up Notre Dame this time).
Does anyone remember "Monarch of the Glen"? I've been watching old episodes of it on YouTube. So good. In my books.
The Falmouth Fish have a gig at Peapods on the 27th Feb, I need to make posters! Dan needs to send me specifics. It was postponed, as we need to find our feet again... does seem rather wobbly at the moment, but I think it'll be better once Lisa gets back. Leading female species yaaay. Sounds like she is having great fun over in Canada/America. Maggots (and men) and all. Tim is leaving on Saturday. Very very VERY sad! Dan's brother Ant is down at the moment, he joined us for practise yesturday. Friendly chap... and he even sung in the end! Dick should NOT sing Bonny Ship The Diamond. Especially not in a fake Scottish Accent. That was certainly a killer. This room smells of spraymount. Silje used to call it the smell of panic. I still stay away from the stuff as when it gets on my hands... *shudder*. Roll on tonight, it'll be happy making. So now for some stuff.

Holy crap I'm tired.
I want to see this movie:

And these things I found on a site I nabbed from Vera's blog are cute.

And now some websites.
I found this website (via Verarrrr) right after I posted my last blog. Even though I'm not a great fan of frills & lace & all things cutesy, there really are a LOT of squee-able things on there!
I posted a picture of part of this house in the last blog, then found all of it. After reading all about it I think it's even more amazing! Would love to live there (preferably by the sea).
CORRR! I've been watching Delia Smith stuff on BBCiplayer and this was one of the recipes shown, I want to make it a lot.
These look very tasty too... especially since I have to find a use for my semolina flour. Anyone know where I can find plain old semolina? Not semolina flour, not semolina pudding... just semolina.
Clever video.
I would love to own all the tape on here. And some of the other little things. But mostly the tape.
End. Time for me to try stop killing my lip and grinding my teeth.
*Good? Nice? What dull words... lovely, delicious, happy, grinnable... etc.
That video is tres snazzy.