But yes, more snow. Went on a little walk with Elk (my sisterly sort) yesturday, noice. Never seen Reigate so white before.
The past week or so has been pretty alright, that is, when I've actually managed to climb out of my nest... seen some of the old friendly sorts and had a good (though pretty damned lazy) time.
Got up to some good old doooodlage with Ninoid & Emilarrrgh (just some making up strange characters, either on our ownsomes or collabs), and played Twister / Squeak Piggy Squeak and such at Pippa's.
Also went on a lovely frosty walk to Tanzee's through the countryside, I feel sorry for anyone I disturbed whilst singing to myself.
Now I've started to do some research (FINALLY!) for the x-mas project, I'd decided to do it on "Smoke Signals" of the Native American sort. No imagery done so far, but I'll start on that soon... otherwise Mark may raise his eyebrows again.
So yes, things have been pretty good apart from a few little things which have bugged me a bit (I was so sure I was getting the summer job at YHA Coverack, living in a tent and all... but it then got taken by a previous worker. Bugger... work search starts again).
Before I throw down some links and imagery which I like the look of, have a look at this by the lovely Faygel! At first I didn't recognise the folks on there, but now I see that it is indeed me, Silje, and Vrarr... genius. I look like a nutter (nothing new, then?).

If anyone fancies buying me anything from these 2 Etsy shops, then you shall be forever loved. More so the first link, but there are some VERY cute things on the second...
Some lovely clothes & such on here, I ordered a catalogue - just for the pictures.
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