Currently on the list of things I'm meant to be doing are:
-Make more cat ears (I got rather attached to the ones I made for Dan, and want some leopard & tweed ones for me!).
-Make a logo for a band called "Drama King".
-Vera and Faye still need x-mas/birthday presents... whoops...
-DAMN theres HAC's presentation & essay work to be done. Not even started! *ignores*.
-Should make a poster for the Falmouth Fish gig on Thursday... but it's a Jacob's Ladder one! Surely there will be people there ANYWAY...
-Do some clothes washing. The pillow case of smelly doom is getting fatter.
-Write letters to Nina and Red and such.
Etc etc etc...
But instead, I shall write this.
Just finished the long weekend of partying and drinking and madness, MUST get back into the swing of illustration, this past week I've done bugger all. This morning I had my group crit for my "Fish of the world" project, feedback was far better than I expected! People seemed to like the colours and mood of the pieces, now I just have to wait for Mark's thoughts. Eeeep.
But yes, partying and such.
On Thursday it was the first Falmouth Fish practise of the year - change of date and location! 7:30pm Thursdays at Shipwrights bar. It was pretty good, quite odd being in a place where you couldn't see your breath whilst singing and could sit on chairs / stools in the break instead of a very dusty floor! Chain Locker (the pub to which Shipwrights is owned) doesn't have Old Rosie cider though. Pah to them. And of course most people were a bit rusty with their songs, it's a bit sad that it was the last practise with Chris (the captain). Then there was a very strange (rather sad, and from what I can tell from the rest of the crew - awkward) moment with one of the songs due to the lyric change from Molly Budd to Mary Doyle buuuuut I'll just have to get over that.
After practise we went over to The 'front to sing in the open mic night, free pints all round!
Falmouth Fish Sea Shanty Collective from Kristian Butler on Vimeo.
(above = new boy Kristian's video snippet of us singing "Little Eyes" [lead by Foy - he's the chap in the stripey jumper] I look a bit like I have a large metal rod up my... joys.)
Then of course after Thursday comes Friday... going into uni? Fail. Sleeeeeep time. And in the eve, Lisa birthday time! A fantastic array of musical stuff, can't wait for the next similar thing to that! Yummy food as well, and then walking home in pissing rain and wind (which was actually really quite nice).
Saturday was an early wake up, Silje and I went off with BTCV to Gweek to a farm/centre for adults with learning disabilities. Good to get some dirt under my nails weeding flower and vegetable / herb beds. And of course the lunch time pasty... nom. Saturday eve was Silje & Faye's joint birthday party - cross dressing theme - which turned out to be really fun, though about 2 thirds of the way through I decided that no more alcohol was wanted and so turned to the water... OLD AGE ALREADY?! Most of the outfits were brilliant, everyone seemed rather in awe at Dani (and... her? boobs) and if Marcel had had less upper lip / chin stubble going on, then he would have passed as quite a normal girl (in a black sequined skirt). Silje's kept up her pipe smoking, big moustached "Geoffrey" act all night and it was fabulous, Vrarr as a chap was quite... creepy? Heh heh, and Faye easily passed as a rather obnoxious adolescent boy. I'd compliment everyone, but that could take time. We DID get a couple of free onions from Mike though... his boobs dropped out.
Sunday.... hangover day tidying the house. Joys.Anyhoo, less of that...
And less of drinking?! Maybe? It COULD be useful...?
Hmm... whats happened since last post...
I re-applied to the YHA, and am now meant to go to an open day sort of thing at Bristol YHA RIIIIGHT before I go to Paris, it's gonna be a tight squeeze! But... hopefully I'll get a job...? (Damn them for changing it from Golant to Bristol...). Anyone fancy coming with me for company / amusement?
Hm, I can't think of anything interesting to say now.
But I really thought these 2 dresses (below) from "allencompanyinc" on Etsy were rather noice:

Some of the things on there are rather cute... it makes me think "I could SO make that and make money" but will I ever?
I was craving macaroni cheese BIG TIME last week. I miss the proper stuff. Haven't had it in soooo long.... eep.
And on the mention of food...
I thought THAT looked genius!!! MAX raised an eyebrow at me, but I was very excited about it. GENIUS.
Thats all...
Forgot to throw up these pages from my location drawing book yesturday: