I've been inspired by Silje, to make a Christmas list. I never write Christmas lists... partly because I likely won't get anything on it, but also because I don't really have a load of stuff that I actually want!
But I'm scoured my mind & my saved lists, and so here is a list.
And so it starts here, with the thing I'd like the most...
I'd really, REALLY like a fold up desk (with a few little drawer-tidies!) for my van Hector. Of course these are utterly lovely, but since a) my van has slanted walls, and b) it's a rather small space, it'll have to be hand made. And lightweight. Anyone with any grand ideas?
Van-wise, I'd also like a leisure battery fitted so I could have real electicity in Hector... just for little things such as charging my phone, laptop, and camera, plus having some actual decent lights rather than my little LED 3 AAA battery push spotlights (they're getting veeery dull, but it's nice to know that the current batteries have lasted me the whole YHA season!). I've been told that theres a place which does this in Longdowns, Cornwall, but it's kinds hard to find...
Clothes! (Oh no! Not MORE material posessions!). My top half being GB size 14-16, the bottom half being size 16.
This lovely embroidery has caught my eye... and it looks like it'll fit my wide shoulders, too!?
Here are a selection of delicious items from Toast. Me me me me me me me me me!
Foxy loveliness here and here... (admittedly I might just get the t-shirt myself... before it disappears... so if you really want to get me this, ask first) and also here...
Nice GREEN top.
Yeah, man.
Random things...
These are cyooot! But I'm not entirely sure what I'd do with them... they're more the sort of thing I'd give to someone else and expect them to squeal too? I like that they're TINY. I like tiny things.
Slightly cheaper, my one girly vice... nailvarnish.
Other things I like, include hand knitted socks (proper wool!!), knitted hats (though ask me for style directions first... bit fussy), a patchwork quilt.
Giftcards for somewhere like Homebase, so I can acquire useful DIY stuff for the van.
Silver rings (actual silver). Sizes N & M are good. They're the only ones I can remember.
Gold rings, if you're feeling generous (again... actual gold. I don't want green fingers).
Earrings which won't make my ears green or itchy.
Favourite colours being rusty orangey reddy brown, and sludgy green... but mainly just earthy colours.
You know, I can't think of anything else. There probably is something, but I don't NEED anything!
Things which I like but aren't really that useful in a van and I don't really want (due to the lack of use):
-More cookbooks
-Stuff to put in kitchens
-Wash stuff
-Stuff you might put in an actual house
I'm sure you understand.
May add to this later, perhaps in a different colour.