I am here!
I am alive!
Currently sitting in my HUGE bed in my SMALL bedroom (2 foam ex-YHA matresses on the floor which fill the majority of the room since my old bed has been driven back to Reigate).
Silje is sitting the other end of it, and we are both typing away whilst wrapped in our duvets (mine is my lairy tie-dye stuff, where as hers is Harry Potter branded stuff), and listening to Planet Rock radio. I've thankfully finished all my uni work, so I'm typing this. Just gotta print EVERYTHING, mount it all, stick it up on the wall, and be joyous and hope for the best. Mmmhmm.
I reckon I should write this (I've been meaning to do so for a while), and then perhaps I'll take myself off to my study and I'll print my written work, put it in folders, and make a business card holder.
Look at my business cards! Hurrah!

I do hope the final stretch will not be too anger making, and I hope I have some fresh scalpel blades somewhere so I can cut my foam board successfully. Yessir.
The past few weeks have been good and interesting, mostly.
Since the last update I have gone with my delightful shanty band "The Falmouth Fish retured from Davey Jones' Locker" to the wonderful Brittany, to take part in the Breizh-Kernow festival Aberfest. That was highly confusing to start with, but UBER (yes, uber) fantastic in the end, especially with the hot weather we got (I now have the wonderful brown colour of someone who isn't an illustration student).

I could write a highly detailed account of it, however I think I shall leave that to Mr O'Shea (his writings are currently not finished, so no detailed account will be left there, either...).
Getting back from those top notch travels we illustration students were roughly thrown into our final term of our degree EVER. Funny to think, that the end of that term is basically here.
The majority of folks went off to New York to go in groups about various publishers & agencies, me, being be, decided to go it alone and attack London instead.
I managed to get one meeting with one agent (admittedly I didn't try for any publishers, and I got e-mail feedback from the rest of the agents). The meeting went well, despite the fact I managed to get lost between the station & the building (Bex + cities = much swearing, worrying, and wanting to jump back on a train back to the land of fresh air, blue skies, and greenery).
But yes. Meeting went well. More on that when it occurs FO SHO'. I hope it does occur some more, even if it DOES mean having to treck to London again in July, which I will be doing. Yuck! But yay!
The last few weeks have mostly been heavily peppered with the company of Mr Arnold, who appears to have become a rather good cohort of mine. On he 7th May we made our way at the crack of dawn to Helston for Flora Day. We got there for the first drum beat (well, pretty much) and saw the first dance. Sadly the weather was a tad grotty so we didn't stay for the entire day, although perhaps I'll go again next year. We made our way on to the Lizard where a brief snooze occured until the sun decided to stick it's neck out, at which point we went for a wander about the still foggy cliffs, then on to the little fishing harbour village of Mullion Cove, then on to Helford to skim round flat stones on the river, before finishing up at the Ferryboat Inn munching mussels and sipping cider.
All in all, superb. I was constantly stalked by the chap with 3 eyes, one which kept imaging me. Pervert. Ah ha.
Since all that I've just been "working", drawing, and writing etc. The norm!
Can't wait for my month of freedom, sea, sand, sun?! Staying at YHA's rather than working at them (Lands End & Perranporth), Royal Cornwall Show (may be playing a mini gig there...?). ETC! ETC! ETC!
Here's some stuff I've been up to. For a full view, get your posterior over to my Flickr page.

I look forwards to seeing the fully finished book...

Aaand here's stuff from other folks:

There you go.
On with life now :)