A fair load (sort of) has happened in that time.
We went to Dan & Lisa's forge warming party which was lovely, the weather was nice and springy & sunny and the location is laaavly, right in an old quarry with lots of trees and a patch of mossy grass. We made a fire in a metal thing and sat around it till fairly late with some singing & playing music, and looking up at the stars.
After that was a party at Holyfield farm, that was pretty good too though the ride in the back of Lisa's van there & back made me feel, ehh, less than great... (I blame the winding roads!!).
Silje left for Easter on the 21st, and we (joint effort of Rarr & I, with Faye to fit it onto) made a Max from "Where the Wild Things are" costume... Rarr made the pattern and I sewed it and adjusted it and whatnot. We know what went wrong for next time! Tiz all finished now, and it's GREAT.
My mum & Elk came down on the 24th March as Elk had something at Plymouth uni (blimey... she's off to there in September! Probably!). I got old (21) on the 25th, and mum took me out to a very tasty place called The Ferryboat Inn on the Helford river. Reeeeally good fish dishes... we had muscles in a garlic and white wine sauce, and then fish pie, and then a rhubarb crumble which wasn't a crumble thing. NOM NOM NOM. After that we went for a walk, mum was delighted to find a pair of mating toads by the beach (toads being her favourite animal). Of course she picked them up and put them closer to NON-SALTY water after lecturing them about not being old enough to do that sort of thing yet.
The evening of my birthday was great, it was a shanty practise but the Falmouth Shout joined us too as Kristian was filming us for a film of his. Lisa made everyone sing happy birthday to me there (mum & Elk joined in with all the singing when possible) and then we went over to The 'Front. Luke made the whole pub sing happy birthday to me again (I think? I seem to remember that... I also SORT OF remember that us Falmouth Fish sung for the open mic night... but I can't remember too well......).
Then on the 27th some of us got the ferry to Flushing and walked round to Mylor to go to an "end of the season of oysters" mini fest thing to sing. That was quite nice, though I must say that the kedgeree there wasn't overly tasty - rather too bland. We missed the last ferry back to Fal and so me, Lisa, Dan & Rarr walked alll the way back to Penryn and then leapt on a bus.
The next few days were pretty un-eventful, and then I went back to Reigate on the 4th (after train and gas bill trauma). Rarr disappeared back to Norway a bit before I did to Rei.
It was lovely to see everyone again, and good to walk about Reigate hill. Silje arrived back from Norway on the eve of the 5th, on the 6th we and some others went on a little 9.5 mile walk.
Silje & I then got the train off to the Peak District National Park (Midlands area) on the 7th and went rambling / walking / hiking about for 7 nights! Getting ourselves from YHA to YHA by foot (and a little by bus). In total we walked about 58 miles in 5-6 days. Not too bad.
So many sheep & lambs & hills, and carrying everything on our backs. Here, have 5 out of 100 and something photos:
After Peak District (more train trauma) went off to Blue Anchor in Reigate for a few drinks with Matt, Tanzee, Imy, and Silje... then on the 16th we caught the train back to Falmouth. YAY! BACK TO HOME! Since then, the most noteworthy event may be emptying the bin out front... people keep throwing rubbish in it (loose rubbish) and it was getting to be a problem. So I emptied the water from it and it smelt GOD AWFUL... and.... ewwwww. Terrible. Yuck yuck yuck. Silje helped me with it and now it's fine.
And thats it for now. Here is some imagery and such:

A couple of things I would like:

And now a few pieces of my own work:

Not sure whether to trust someone? Judge them upon their BEARD.
It was Zef's birthday yesturday, scroll down on that page to find his birthday video his brothers made (I think it's AMAZING. Silje & I were singing bits of it all yesturday).
Zef: http://www.popuppirate.com/
Those paintings are a little creepy...