Thursday, 11 March 2010

Two little fleas, 33.

Corr, the weather isn't half getting better. Hello little blog. Sneeze. Sneeze.
The weather really is going all noice and springy, yesturday Squelchy and I sat on the less tourist half of the quay down by Chain Locker and basked in the sun whilst eating pasties & Guinness cake. Then later we were joined by Mr O'Shea and we all skipped off to Gyll, where we bumped into Kristian & companion. The 3 of us all resorted to removing socks & such and jumping about in the shallow cooold water (and falling over in it) and it was la-la-laaaaavly! What makes things better is that I have a jar with daffodils in it (from the daffodil man near Tescos - £1 for 10). I've put some blue food dye in the water, so the flowers which are open have little blue flecks in their petals. Eeee.
What to write. Ummm. Yes! We had a gig at 5 Degrees West last Saturday which went well, it was a mini beer/ale fest thing so lots of pubby local sorts and also a group of our good friendios were there, I think it went well. VERY hot though in our little singing corner. But free Betty Stoggs alllll night, and we carried on singing well after our gig with a couple of chaps (Nigel & Mark!) from another shanty band called The Falmouth Shout.
Next gig pleeeease!

I finished my essay, well... yes, it's finished. And my Paris project is DONE, though I still need to print & mount it all (may leave that until the end of the year, just to keep everything neat until then). Here, have a look at it:Not sure why there are STILL black / grey lines at the sides of a couple of the images, but I'll trim them off when I print.

My current project is a poster project, 3 posters for either Glastonbury fest 2010 (40th anniversary! I'll be there!) or this years Falmouth Sea Shanty festival. I'm yet to choose one, and also to actually START the project... since I've done nothing since Monday. Oops.
We're holding a 1950's party on Saturday, Vera is dressing me up and such. I'll certainly look different to usual.
And then my birthday next weekend, mum & Elk will be down to visit since Elk will be from a Plymouth open day, so I shall make sure to get dragged out for a meal! Nom nom nom.
NEWS! It is now 4 minutes past midnight on FRIDAY 12th March. I am a smidge drunk. Shanty practise and then some of us sang at open mic night at The 'front (again). Zef, if you are reading this, TURN UP TO DAMNED PRACTISE! Mermaid, please. Accidently, I coughed on my hand before nearly high 5ing Mr Drinkwater, apologies to him for ALMOST spreading non-germy germs since I don't have a cold or nout. Mmmm, this Sunday we're off to Dan & Lisa's new forge for a "forge warming party" which should be very good. I hope that crazy Dave is there, and that he brings his twanging box. Anyhoo, I have nothing more of a constructive nature to write, so I shall LOB images at ye! Adam Hancher. Gloomy colours with lovely shapes & hints of ZING.Sara Barnes. Collagey. Nom.Catherine Ryan, what friendly looking bears.This looks lovely.I miss doing this. Funny walks up the beach with Rarr at the start of last summer (was it late April?). Gwithian beach. I think. Laaavly.

Like from Annie's kitchen.... nom nom nom. I'll make it some day.

Oh.... sploooodge!

Monday, 1 March 2010

3 and 2

Crap, a short month worth of no bloggagery. Not much of the illustration sort of thing has gone on in the past few weeks... went to Paris, which was... ok, not so great. I think going there 3 times in 4 years is stretching it a bit. Of course there were definately good bits, but somewhere new would be good. I think when I next go back (give it 20 years, maybe?) I'll eventually get to going UP Notre Dame to talk to the gargoyles; this time we couldn't because "slippery". Still need to properly think of my Paris project too, AND GET ON WITH IT. Eep.We went to an antiques market... it was very interesting in part, but we had to go through a highly ganster area to get there. Not held on to my bag quite so tightly in a looong while...Old glass slides (antiques area still). I liked the look of the mountain against the structure of the ceiling.My (lovely) travelling companions. Silje & Vera. TOURIST TIIIIME. The sun was catching through the stained glass in Notre Dame. Not many people / no one else seemed to notice this. Catkins over ran it. GO CATKINS, GO!Finally managed to visit the Catacombs. The walk through the passages before the actual mass skeleton orgy was the freakiest bit, getting to the actual dead stuff was fine.More dead stuff. Street side shop, there was a lovely display of crabs, too.Dead Oscar Wilde. The amount of lipstick kisses on his grave was, eh, certainly impressive! I wonder who ran off with the statues cock... (1 track mind? Well, it WAS missing... and he certainly was a loved man).Flan. The god of France.Found an illustrator / graphic novel maker called "Toppi" (Sergio Toppi). Pen & ink. Delicious. Near the Louvre. A rainbow! Most excellent.

Dammit, procrastination, you're hitting me HARD. Mostly in the shape of watching old Monarch of the Glen (I found out that there is about 7 series'....... and I'm only about half way through!). The last week has been mostly devoted to essay, which I handed in today (who knows what the ACTUAL theme of it was about... I'm not overly sure if it made sense in the end). Thankfully a lovely someone gave me a little (well...) help with it. Got given a new essay to do (3,000 words this time...) but thats not due in til May, so thats alright. Got talked to by the 3rd years, they were showing us their work as we've just got into the make up your own brief" zone. SCARY. I really really really need my track back, please. On saturday, we (the Falmouth Fish) had a gig at Miss Peapods in Penryn. I think it went quite well in the end, at the start I was a little worried as there really weren't many people there at all... but it filled out. Squelchy has told me I have to stop looking so bored on stage. I don't mean to! Because I'm not bored! I... pleh. Excuses excuses. I got a typewriter written letter from Sophie/Pamela! ( Highly exciting stuff. I must reply, it is on my list of things to do (and letters to write... eek... one MUST go to meine grandmutter, or else she shall grump). I like that the blog is called "milkblog" since milk IS the godly nom nom nom liquid of joy. Hmm... so thats the past week covered, and the week before that was Paris... the week before that.... OH! I went on a picnic over at Flushing. Nom nom nom. Chilly, but laaaavly view and company, can't wait for the weather to warm up some more. These past 2 days when in the sunshine it's great, but still not warm enough for beach bonfires. Soon. SOON. Right. No more of this drivvel, I have a Paris project to attack. Here, have some stuff. It's all very greeeeeeeen today.Is it a photo, is it a very realistic painting? Pretty sure it's a photo, but I like the mood. All I could find out was that it was maybe by someone called (ivan) Simple pimple, but the bit I thought woz all good like, was that the pattern was contained in a shape. Andy J. Miller.Amy Talluto. A bit too Autumn for my current Spring grinnery, and reminds me a bit of "paint by numbers" (I think it's the stump) but it's a yes. The orange to yellow tree strip at the back of the lake is tasty.Åshild Kanstad Johnsen... the use of shapes is a nod in the right direction. Shapes & organic pattern.Acorn buttons by boosterseat on Etsy (she sells the material for these, too... think she makes it herself? The pattern, that is). Fiona Ackerman with a collagey style. The red inked fish scale bit was the bit which attracted me.Didn't notice that I saved all 3 images in 1, but that doesn't worry me in the slightest since Lizzy Stewart's work is raaather yummy! Lance Letscher (lets - cher.... haha). Cut out bits of paper on top of random papery stuff. I like.With the structure of my life I plan (trains.....). With my work, I wing it. I think thats a vaguely acceptable way to live. All I could find was "Hello Jenuine".Are they mountains? Romia Pelagetti. Would like to see them a LITTLE bit bolder, but with this I shan't complain.Clare Owen makes me see that not all "scribble colouring in" is bad. Short and snappy.Finishing with some fluffy fluff fluff cats also by Clare Own. FLUFF FLUFF FLUFF!

Here is the only work I have to show for the past little while (excluding location drawing and the tiniest bit of Paris sketchbook work).
Poster for our gig last Saturday. No where near as good as Zef's posters (but then, this was all drawn by hand and I didn't think about the design at all... just DID IT).

Websites, anyone? I don't have many of 'em today.

Nom. Make me it.
Dan sent me that link. I love that song. Ignore any godly bits... just remember it from Primary school, and skipping along on some walk with my family when I was young singing it loudly.